It might have been tricky to take an alien that was really an oil slick seriously, but that was exactly...
Cast & Crew
Zachary Quinto responded yesterday to Leonard Nimoy's announcement that Nimoy was retiring. Sharing his thoughts during WET Production's Stars Give...
Several stars from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise will be taking part in an event to support...
It may have taken a few times, but this time, Leonard Nimoy is retiring for real. Every time that Nimoy...
Karl Urban is ready to step into Doctor McCoy's shoes again, and he wouldn't mind if the Star Trek movies...
Exploring outer space isn't something that Leonard Nimoy wants to see limited to just movie-making. While accepting the 2010 Douglas...
Whoopi Goldberg found something in Star Trek to which she could personally relate. When watching the original series, Goldberg found...
Dave Rossi, one of the producers of Star Trek: Remastered, has contributed Star Trek items in an auction to benefit...
Although he is proud of his work in the movies and on television, Patrick Stewart's real love is the theater....
Being the sole woman on a set doesn't bother Zoë Saldana, who can hold her own with a group of...
Bingo: Scenes of Money and Death, Patrick Stewart's latest play, opens tomorrow at the Minerva Theater in Chichester. In Bingo:...
Star Trek XI is one of three movies up for the Soundtrack of the Year award for the 2010 Classical...
Clifton Collins Jr. (Ayel) thinks that his character has an excellent chance of returning for Star Trek XII. Unlike Eric...
An "airport-thriller" pitch from Jeremy Slater, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci has been sold to DreamWorks Studios. The untitled thriller,...
The nominations for Canada's fourth annual Constellation Awards have been announced, and Star Trek XI has been nominated in four...