Just weeks before a jury trial was scheduled to begin, Paramount Pictures Corporation/CBS Studios Inc. and Axanar Productions have settled...
R. Gary Klausner, a California federal judge, ruled today that the Paramount Pictures/CBS vs. Axanar case will be decided by...
Both sides in the CBS/Paramount vs. Axanar lawsuit are hoping to settle the case before it would go to trial...
Based on last week's comments by J.J. Abrams, one might have assumed that Paramount/CBS's lawsuit against Axanar Productions would be...
Yesterday, U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner rejected a motion from Axanar Production's legal team to dismiss the lawsuit by...
People hoping for a quick resolution to the CBS Corporation/Paramount Pictures vs. Axanar Productions are in for a disappointment with...
For the second time, the lawyers working for Axanar have filed a motion to dismiss and they are again seeking...
The details of the amended complaint in the lawsuit by Paramount and CBS against the fan-film Axanar have been made...
A request from CBS Corporation/Paramount for more time to respond to a Axanar's motion for dismissal of the lawsuit was...
Being sued by Paramount and CBS has not daunted those trying to create the crowd-funded Axanar film. In a filing...
A month ago, CBS Corporation and Paramount Pictures Inc. filed a copyright infringement suit against Alec Peters and his Axanar...
Raising a million dollars for production of the fan film Axanar was surely apt to catch the attention of Paramount...
International Space Station astronaut Samantha Cristoferetti may be joining the cast of Star Trek: Axanar. Cristoferetti was the European Space...