George Takei, the original series' Sulu, has joined the Nickelodeon channel's Supah Ninjas. Supah Ninjas is a comedy about three...
George Takei made the unpleasant acquaintance of a New York nuisance recently when he and husband Brad Altman visited the...
George Takei, the original series' Mr. Sulu, took aim at an Arkansas school board member whose anti-gay tirade made national...
Fans of The Big Bang Theory who also like Star Trek will have a double dose of enjoyment as George...
First there was Klingon opera. Now fans of both Klingons and Shakespeare can see selections of Shakespeare classics performed in...
For George Takei, being able to say that he is legally married has influenced how others perceive his relationship. Takei,...
Classic Trek stars George Takei (Sulu) and Walter Koenig (Chekov) updated fans on their latest projects while Q actor John...
George Takei, who was fortunate enough to be married during the short time that gay marriage was legal in California,...
In addition to hosting over seventy Star Trek celebs at their annual Las Vegas Star Trek Convention, running this week...
While many fans might think that George Takei's thoughts on where Sulu should have gone would focus on the Captain's...
Several actors from various Star Trek shows will be voicing guest characters on the Cartoon Network's Marvel Super Hero Squad....
On June 15, The International Federation of Trekkers (IFT) will launch their new website, and part of their relaunch includes...
George Takei and his husband Brad Altman urge same-sex couples to complete the 2010 census and show America how many...
William Shatner and George Takei are featured in two new television commercials. Shatner, who celebrates his seventy-ninth birthday today, has...
George Takei is willing to end the feud with William Shatner which began after Shatner didn't get an invite to...