February 7 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek Online: Ask Cryptic

2 min read

A new installment of Star Trek: Online‘s Ask Cryptic has been posted, covering episode missions.

The Star Trek: Online development team answered questions from fans regarding episode missions, with topics ranging from the consequences of actions taken to the future addition of new episodes.

Actions taken in one episode may have consequences in subsequent episodes. “Many of the episodes in the game are related to one another either directly or indirectly,” said the developers. “Some of our episodes are fun one-offs just like in the shows, but many of them are related to one or more of the major plots and themes that drive the story of our universe. You’ll see results of your previous actions and even recurring characters later down the line. But seasons don’t have multiple endings based on your actions in individual episodes.”

While some episodes are related to the main story, some are not and most can be played without having to have finished another episode first. “Just like in the TV series, you can miss an episode and still pick up the plot in future stories,” said the developers. “Not all of them are related to the main story, and even if they are we try to make sure that they make sense on their own. If you’ve played through them all you’ll notice more of the cool connections but it isn’t necessary. There are very few Episodes that are actually pre-requisites for other episodes and when it happens they are usually back to back like a two-parter.”

How often will additional seasons or episodes be added? “One of the great things about making MMOs is that we get to continue supporting and adding to them after launch,” said the developers. “Much of what we decide to do for live support will depend on what we find the STO players want more of. Currently we’re looking at having additional releases every three or four months.


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