February 8 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Thompson: Nero’s Wife

2 min read

Although her role was small, Scottie Thompson‘s character was important to Star Trek XI as her death was the motivation for Nero’s rage and subsequent actions toward Vulcan.

According to the producer, Thompson’s looks helped land the role. “You have an alien look to you,” he told her, which made her perfect to portray a Romulan.

Thompson was glad to appear in Star Trek XI, as she had been referring to Star Trek for years in answering people who got her name wrong. “I just want to thank you,” she told the producer who hired her, “because I’ve gone through my whole life identifying myself over the phone for restaurant reservations, saying ‘Scottie Thompson.’ And they’d say, ‘Dottie?’ And I’d say, ‘Scotty; like beam me up.’ So when I found out they were doing Star Trek I was like, ‘I have to be in this movie. I don’t care what my role is.'”

J.J. Abrams was encouraging to the actress, complimenting her work. “Working with J.J. Abrams, he’s amazing,” said Thompson. “He’s just so positive and has so much energy. The scene I did was more like a photo shoot in that I was just kind of floating about in this almond grove. I remember him saying, ‘Oh, you’re really good.’ He’d give me these little stories and I’d just go into my head. He said, ‘Have you done this before?’ because it was like modeling, the way I was dealing with the camera. I said, ‘No. I guess I’m really good at my little world that I like to float around in.'”

Glad that her scenes were not cut, Thompson is happy to now be part of the Star Trek world. “Up until the last minute I was checking on IMDB to see if it’d end up being (‘Scenes Deleted’). I remember somebody sending me a Facebook message and saying, ‘Hey, I just saw you in the movie,’ because they saw it before I did. I was like, ‘Yeah!’ That’s a whole awesome world, the Star Trek world, and it’s exciting to be a part of that.”

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