March 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Fan Trek: LCARS At Home, Enterprise Z, GeekChicDaily

2 min read

Star Trek fan-made creations abound in the world, and two of them, a home automation computer modeled after the LCARS Star Trek interface and an RC Zeppelin Enterprise have appeared on YouTube recently. Plus – friend GeekChicDaily for a chance at free Star Trek swag!

Dutch Star Trek fan Pascal vd Heiden (klapstoelpiloot on YouTube) has built his own home automation computer and uploaded the results to YouTube. “This is what I built in my home and this video is my own work,” he said. “Both the computer and the software is self-made. The interface is inspired by the LCARS interface from Star Trek.”

The video shows some of the functions included on this computer, including: agenda/calendar, shopping list, rain radar, train departure times, library and media player (connected to his home cinema set), Internet browser, and bluetooth support (to send MP3s or the shopping list to his telephone).

There is no control for his home lights though. Why? “Because the needed hardware costs a lot and the light switch next to the door is more practical in the end anyway,” said Pascal. “Maybe some day I will add it just because it’s cool.”

Another fun fan-made creation is the Enterprise Z. “To boldly go, where no airship has gone before, an indoor flying sculpture of the Starship Enterprise.” This entry for the Instructables Autodesk Kinetic Sculpture Design Contest created by YouTube user masynmachien can be seen at YouTube by heading to this link.

“I made it for the occasion of the BVC participation at the 20th F.A.C.T.S. convention in Ghent, October 23-24, 2010,” said masynmachien. “The BVC or Belgian Voyage Club is the Belgian Star Trek fan club (”

Masynmachien encourages fans to vote for the Enterprise Z in the Autodesk Kinetic Sculpture Design Contest, which runs between November 29th and December 1st.”

Finally, GeekChicDaily (on Facebook) is offering Star Trek prizes. By friending GeekChicDaily and answering a simple question, fans will have a chance at winning Trek swag such as: Star Trek T-shirts, Star Trek movies on DVD and Blu-ray, hats, life-size Spock decals, Trek glassware and more.

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