February 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Trek Fans Wed In Vulcan

1 min read

Star Trek fans James McDonald and Kate Olaso were wed in Vulcan, Alberta, Canada last weekend at the spaceship-styled Vulcan Tourism and Trek Station.

The forty-one-year-old McDonald is a resident of nearby Calgary, and has been a Trek fan since boyhood. His friend suggested that the pair have a Star Trek-themed wedding in Vulcan. “It was really fun,” said Olaso. “When we started dating, he brought me here to a convention.”

The couple wore Trek uniforms. McDonald’s was modeled on the ones used in the early Star Trek movies. Olaso wore a red Star Trek uniform and a short white veil.

The commissioner of oaths, who was due to perform the ceremony, failed to appear, but local Vulcan officials saved the day, phoning around town until they found one who could appear and marry the couple on short notice.

The McDonalds will have another marriage ceremony in January in the Philippines, where Olaso’s family lives. That wedding will be larger than this weekend’s ceremony; three hundred guests are expected for the second ceremony.

McDonald and Olaso aren’t the first couple to marry at the Trek Station. On August 1, 2004, Ron and Pam Smith married in a Klingon-style ceremony.

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