March 18 2025


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New Star Trek Transporter App

1 min read

The Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo and Vulcan Tourism Transporter App will allow Star Trek fans to “beam themselves or their friends up” courtesy of a “transporter room” bus shelter and their iPhone or iPad.

Two of the new Trek-themed bus shelters were launched April 4 in Calgary, Canada, with “Trek-themed ‘Augmented Reality’ technology, and will be available for fan use through the end of April.

A third Trek-themed bus shelter will be on display at the Vulcan Tourism booth area at the Calgary Expo, which will run from April 27-29.

“This technology [designed by E-axis] is so cool; it’s an interactive way for fans to have some fun,” said Kandrix Foong, Director of The Calgary Expo, who spent two months planning the concept in partnership with Vulcan Tourism. “It’s just one aspect of the celebration for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the cast reunion activities we have planned during the weekend of April 27-29.”

“We own the software,” said Catherine Pooley, Vulcan’s tourism coordinator, who added that the software will give Vulcan Tourism the ability to create backdrops all over town.

The Trek-themed bus shelters in Calgary are located at 4 St. at 17 Ave. S.W., and 9th Avenue and 3 Street SW.

The video below shows how the “beaming up” process works.

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5 thoughts on "New Star Trek Transporter App"

  1. OK, on the one hand this is just so-o-o incredibly geeky it’s embarrassing. On the other, it’s pretty amazing that special effects production studios used to pay FX houses millions to do can now be done in real time by a lowly cellphone.

    On the third hand, I hate — hate! — HATE!! — LCARS. Bulky, inefficient, screen-hogging monstrosity. Looks like a mash-up of the Patridge Family bus and a box of microwaved Crayolas. Hurts my eyes. Ugly. Just ugly. Isn’t it time Trekdom moved on?

  2. I’d rather have a tricorder app that actually does something than take up space. I have one on my android that is ok.

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