September 15 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek Into Darkness App Debuts

2 min read

For fans waiting to download the new Star Trek into Darkness app, it has been released in the U.S. and Canada.

The app will include missions with new missions becoming available weekly.

Initially, the app will contain “between thirty to forty missions, with eight to ten available at any given point and the option to skip missions that don’t seem especially interesting.”

Missions include tasks such as scavenger hunts, scanning Star Trek into Darkness posters, visiting an AMC theater or watching Trek content on TV. Rewards include exclusive content, which will become available with bonus content starting on Super Bowl Sunday, where a new Star Trek extended trailer will be aired during the second quarter of the game.

“This app is like the Starfleet Academy,” said Mitch Lusas, who is the product development director. “You start off as a cadet, and you complete these missions. As you complete each mission, it will disappear and a new mission will come up. You’ll advance in your rank, you’ll unlock content and there will be some other exclusive things that will come up as well.

“The higher you get in your rank, the more content you will actually unlock; things like potentially extended versions of some videos we might be releasing. We’ll also have some information that’s exclusive coming to this app.”

Lusas promises that fans will “find hints” using the app regarding the character played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

The Star Trek into Darkness app is now available for iOS and Android at Apple’s App Store ad at Google’s Play Store.

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1 thought on “Star Trek Into Darkness App Debuts

  1. cool app playing for over an hour tonight, you have to use empire magazine to get some of the photos one ask you to visit starflee acadamy thats a tought one having problem geting the bad robot logo..

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