February 18 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Trek Movies On Sale

1 min read

For fans who still haven’t picked up the first six Star Trek movies, Amazon is offering a boxed set of all six for a bargain price.

Both the DVD and the Blu-ray versions of the seven-disc sets are on sale.

The movies included are: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

The DVD set, normally retailing for $49.98, is on sale for $22.49. The Blu-ray set, normally selling for $84.99, is on sale for $34.99, a savings of $50.

To order either set, head to the link located here.

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10 thoughts on “Trek Movies On Sale

  1. Thanks for the tip! I wasn’t going to re-buy these on blu-ray (I’ve got them on DVD already) but for that price I’ll bite! 🙂

  2. If at least the first two are the directors’ cuts I will seriously consider this.

    Yes, the passes around the Enterprise in drydock on blu are worth even the shame of owning a copy of ST V.

  3. I don’t think they are.

    I’m curious what the cut of the first one is. I really like the directors cut DVD, but I think they redid a bunch of the special effects using CG and I think they just did it in standard def (for the DVD). So I’m guessing its probably NOT the director’s cut. Which of course begs the question of what cut they used, since the original theatrical version was pretty much unfinished, and the home video releases have all been different from it.

    I own both the original theatrical version of TWOK and the directors cut and I have to say, after having watched both several times, I much prefer the original. I never watch my directors cut. Something about the pacing with the added scenes seems off to me or something. It could just be that I’ve watched it too many times now and any alterations throw me off. 🙂

    I’m pretty sure I remember reading that the TWOK Blu-ray was the original cut, that’s why I’ve had my eye out for sales of that one for a while.

  4. Ok. Mine just arrived today. (Amazon is fast!) I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet but the packaging says they are all the “original theatrical versions.” So there you go.

  5. And just so everyone knows, Best Buy now actually price matches to most online retailers, including Amazon… So, if you want to just go pick them up and also get rewards points, there’s always that option now.

  6. Are you still watching them on VHS? They look great on blu-ray, and I’m happy that it’s the theatrical releases… then again, I’d probably get select director’s cuts. I liked TMP’s Director’s cut and the additions to TWOK. I actually disliked the changes to Undiscovered Country, though prefer the home video release which includes Rene Auberjonois’ performance… at any rate, if people don’t have these on a format that suits them, what’s wrong with getting them? Would you prefer Star Trek movies be out of print or not available in new formats as they release? It’s an odd grumble.

  7. Riiiight… because, presumably, YOU have one that is sufficient for YOU. I didn’t see in the story where purchasing these were mandatory. You might not want them, but someone that doesn’t have them and does want them probably appreciates this story and probably appreciates that they’re out in the current format. I’d be pretty pissed if I were 18, just moved out on my own, had a bluray player, and was forced to buy DVDs of the Star Trek movies because some people had already bought them on DVD, so they aren’t in print as a result… That’s awfully selfish. SOP.

  8. Sigh… You are doing lots of unfounded assumptions here just with a simple five-word statement!

    If you want to attack someone for what they say, then perhaps you consider what they say, rather than what you assume they say.

    Otherwise you look to others like a troublemaker, a troll, on someone having undisclosed personal issues. Throwing logic out with the bathwater, just makes you look totally silly. Just saying.

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