February 13 2025


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Redemption Blu-ray Review

4 min read

A Blu-ray release of the two-part Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Redemption is now available for fans of the Klingon-based episodes.

Redemption: Part 1 and Part II were originally aired as the finale of Season Four, and the beginning of Season Five, and are now presented as a single, ninety-minute episode. This is the second double episode feature length Blu-ray release, the first one being The Best of Both Worlds.

The Story:

In Redemption, Worf seeks to regain his family honor, but runs up against Klingon politics in the attempt to do so, and Data has to overcome prejudice when assuming temporary command of a Federation ship.

Picard and the Enterprise arrive for the installation of Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Command, but the sisters of Duras; Lursa and B’Etor, have other ideas. With Romulan assistance, headed up by Sela, the daughter of Tasha Yar and a Romulan general, the Duras sisters plan on securing the leadership position for Toral, the illegitimate son of Duras.

When Picard, as Arbiter, declares that Toral is not yet worthy of the position for which he and his aunts aspire, some Klingons do not accept that decision and a civil war begins. Worf resigns from the Federation and transfers to his brother Kurn’s ship.

The Federation strives to stay neutral in the civil war, but takes steps to make sure that Romulan Empire cannot interfere in internal Klingon politics by erecting a tachyon net that will reveal any Romulan cloaked supply ships seeking to slip into Klingon space, and by creating a blockade between the Klingon and Romulan Empire borders. Sela’s scientists find a way to poke a hole in the net, but Data, temporarily in charge of the Sutherland and having his own problem with prejudiced subordinates, find a way to reveal the cloaked ships, thwarting Sela and the Romulans. The Romulans, including Sela, retreat, and Lursa, B’Etor and their allies go down to defeat. Lursa and B’Etor escape, leaving Toral behind to be captured.

Family honor restored, Worf is given Toral’s life, but he spares the young man. Worf asks to return to duty and Picard and Worf beam back to the Enterprise.

The Extras:

  • UltraViolet copy of the episode
  • Survive and Succeed: An Empire at War
  • Audio Commentary by Ronald D. Moore and Mike and Denise Okuda
  • Episodic Promos: Part 1 and Part 2

The Review:

Star Trek The Next Generation: Redemption comes in a case covered by a sleeve. The sleeve opens up to feature more artwork and is very visually appealing and well done. Inside the case, opposite the disc, there are instructions on how to redeem the UltraViolet copy. Note that this copy is not available on all devices, including the Kindle Fire (unfortunately for this reviewer), but the UltraViolet copy can be viewed on a regular desktop computer. If one’s device is supported, the movie can be streamed and downloaded. Devices must be able to access Silverlight and the Google Play app to show this feature-length UltraViolet episode.

The remastering of the episode is just what one would expect for an upgrade to Blu-ray. Especially notable is the newly-enhanced shot of the Klingon capitol burning, and the space battle.

Combining the story – there is a time gap between the first and second parts and so the seemingly seamless joining of the two parts into one episode doesn’t quite work when going from the end where Sela is warning that Picard will come back, and battle in the beginning of Part 2.

Extras – one reason to buy this even if one already has the S4 Blu-ray set is that there is the all-new audio commentary featuring Ronald D. Moore and the Okudas. It is chock-full of information, such as how the episode changed and evolved from one episode to what it became, and with plenty of Klingon data. This insider information on Redemption and on the Klingons makes Star Trek The Next Generation: Redemption worth the buy.

The other extra is Survive and Succeed: An Empire at War, a thirty- minute documentary which features Ron D. Moore, Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), Gwyneth Walsh (B’Etor), VFX Supervisor Dan Curry, Stunt Coordinator Dennis Madalone, Ron Jones, Denise Crosby, and Michael Dorn. Topics include O’Reilly’s “crazy” audition, fighting to get a Worf-centric cliffhanger, the Duras sisters (including their costumes), Sela, designing the Bat’leth and Klingon weapon training.

For fans of the Klingons, this is a must-have Blu-ray. For others who don’t want to purchase the entire fourth season in Blu-ray, this is a fine single episode with interesting extras. Priced at an attractive $16.99 at Amazon, Star Trek The Next Generation: Redemption Blu-ray is priced just right.


Story: B-
Artwork: A
Remastering: B+
Extras: A-

To order Star Trek The Next Generation: Redemption, head to the link located here.

About The Author

1 thought on “Redemption Blu-ray Review

  1. $16.99 is a lot to pay for special features, if you ask me. (Different story for those who aren’t interested in buying the season blu-rays, of course.)

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