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January-February 2015 Trek Conventions And Appearances

3 min read


There will be seventeen conventions, shows or appearances in February and March that will feature actors of interest to Star Trek fans. This listing of conventions and shows features actors from all of the televised series and several of the Star Trek movies.

February begins with the SF Ball 21, to be held Feb. 6-8 at The Grand Harbour Hotel in Southampton, England. In attendance at SF Ball 21 will be Robert Duncan McNeill and Manu Intiraymi.

The Madison Comic Con will be held Feb. 6-8 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. In attendance at Madison Comic Con will be William Shatner.

Dallas Comic Con Fan Days will be held Feb. 7-8 at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas. In attendance at Dallas Comic Con Fan Days will be Terry Farrell, Nichelle Nichols, and Roberto Picardo.

Gallifrey One will be held Feb. 13-15 at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport in Los Angeles. In attendance at Gallifrey One will be David Gerrold, Chase Masterson, Larry Nemecek, and Deep Roy.

On that same weekend, the Indianapolis Comic Con will be held at the Indianapolis Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. In attendance at the Indianapolis Comic Con will be William Shatner and Anthony Montgomery.

Also on that weekend will be Farpoint, which will be held Feb. 13-15 at the North Baltimore Plaza Hotel in Timonium, Maryland. In attendance at Farpoint will be Tim Russ plus a good number of Star Trek authors.

The Cleveland Comic Con will be held Feb. 20-22 at the Cleveland Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio. In attendance at the Cleveland Comic Con will be William Shatner.

February wraps up with Pensacon, which will be held Feb. 27 – Mar. 1 at the Pensacola Bay Center/Crowne Plaza Grand Hotel in Pensacola, Florida. In attendance at Pensacon will be Marina Sirtis, Olivia d’Abo (Amanda Rogers), David Warner, Tony Todd, and Nichelle Nichols.

March begins with the Armageddon Expo, which will take place at Horncastle Arena in Christchurch, New Zealand. In attendance at Armageddon Expo will be Armin Shimerman and Karl Urban.

The Lexington Comic and Toy Convention will be held March 13-15 at the Lexington Convention Center in Lexington, Kentucky. In attendance at this event will be Deep Roy (Keenser) and Hilary Shepard (Lauren of Deep Space Nine‘s Statistical Probabilities and Chrysalis.)

Also being held on March 13-15 is Planet Comicon, which will be held at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri. In attendance at Planet Comicon will be Garrett Wang.

Armageddon Expo will be held March 14-15 at the Claudelands Arena in Hamilton, New Zealand. In attendance at Armageddon Expo will be Linda Park, Armin Shimerman, and Karl Urban.

EM-CON will be held March 15 at the Capital FM Arena in Nottingham, England. In attendance at EM-CON will be Nichelle Nichols.

Toronto ComiCon will be held March 20-22 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada. In attendance at Toronto ComiCon will be Terry Farrell.

OzTrek 11 will be held March 21 at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, and March 22 in Sydney, Australia. In attendance at OzTrek 11 will be Rene Auberjonois, Linda Park, and Nana Visitor.

The Emerald City Comicon will be held March 27-29 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. In attendance at Emerald City Comicon will be LeVar Burton.

Wrapping up March will be the Dutch Comic Con will be held March 28-29 at Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Nethelands. In attendance at this convention will be Star Trek into DarknessJoseph Gatt.

Photo courtesy of Treknews.net.

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1 thought on “January-February 2015 Trek Conventions And Appearances

  1. No mention of the STContinues screening at Gallifrey? Or Kipleigh Brown’s appearance there?

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