February 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

27 thoughts on “Breaking news: Leonard Nimoy – ‘Mr Spock’ – dies aged 83

  1. It was wonderful how he was brought in for the latest movies. I will miss this great, memorable actor.

    He will live long and prosper in our memories. RIP, Mr. Nimoy.

  2. A very sad day. Thank you for being such a great and beloved part of all our lives. You will live on in our memories, never to be forgotten.

    May your presence and gentle good energy forever live long and prosper, Mr. Nimoy.

  3. Arguably one of the greatest Star Trek and sci fi legends in the history of the industry.A true class act as well as an amazing person outside of his acting career.May he rest in peace,I will always remember his “colorful metaphors” from The Voyage Home.

  4. Spock’s… dead.

    Well dammit Jim, fire up that Bird-of-Prey and let’s go get ‘im!

  5. It’s impossible to measure the effect that Mr. Nimoy had on the world. How many of us were supported and comforted or inspired and moved by his portrayal of Spock … too many to count.

    I’ve also been impressed by the dignity and grace with which he handled Star Trek fans’ reactions to him; he was gracious and generous to so many people in so many ways.

    I’m so very saddened by his passing, and yet I also want to say that although we’ve lost a good and great man in losing Mr. Nimoy, Spock is ageless. On my DVD’s of the original series, he is forever a blue-shirted 35, and he will live in my mind and in my heart for as long as I do.

    My heart goes out to Mr. Nimoy’s family and friends, for great as our loss is, they’ve lost even more than we have.

    I will always love you, sir, not just your most famous character, but you, yourself — the you revealed in your autobiographies, in your poetry, and yes, in Spock. We know that you are not he, but he would have been a lesser character in every way without your lively intelligence and warm heart.

  6. Nimoy was pure class. A kind you rarely see anymore, especially in this industry. He was one of the faces of a disappearing world.

  7. Such a feeling of tremendous sorrow and loss. There’s really nothing I can say which has not already been said here with eloquence, kindness, and sympathy. The world has lost a great man today. It falls to us to keep his legacy alive – not just through enjoying his portrayal of Spock, but by following the example he left us as to how to live a good life by being a gracious, loving person with tremendous integrity, artistry, compassion, tolerance, and a great sense of humor.
    “Of all the souls I have met in my travels, his was the most human.”
    Truer words have never been spoken, nor have they meant so much as they do today.

  8. No cheesy Trek quotes from me, just condolences to his family, and thank you for the entertainment, nobility, and influence. One of the very greatest all-time characters in pop culture history. Watching Spock will never be the same after today.

  9. Now I’m going to end up watching Wrath of Khan and bawling my fuckin’ eyes out. I guess it’s part of the grieving process.

    Denial: “No…”
    Anger: “KHAAAAAAN!!!!”
    Bargaining: “I’ve been dead before.”
    Depression: “I haven’t faced death. I’ve cheated death. I’ve tricked my way out of
    death and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. I know nothing.”
    Finally… acceptance.
    “Don’t grieve, Admiral. It’s logical. The needs of the many … outweigh …”

    “The needs of the few.”

    “Or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test, until now. What do you think of my solution?”

    “I have been, and always shall be, your friend.”

  10. I was 5 when ST premiered and it’s been a huge favorite since. It’s one of the few shows I can watch over even though I know the episodes by heart. Spock is by far my all time favorite TV character. Farewell Mr. Nimoy

  11. I’m not a Star Trek fan and this is the first time I’ve visited a site like this but I’M SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and to Nimoys family especially ! Were all fans of something and I’ve always thought the Star Trek fans growing up were so supportive and always opening to others.

  12. Not going to lie, this one might be the saddest. Kelly and Doohan are missed, but Nimoy just might have been handed the most iconic character in the entire franchise, and now, those damn reboot films or not, we’ve seen the last of Nimoy’s Spock for good. 🙁

  13. I liked the interview on YouTube where he explains the meaning of the Vulcan salute, and his comment that people who give the salute to others may not realize it, but they are giving a blessing to others. How wonderfully appropriate!

    May the Universe forever bless Leonard Nimoy, and bless all of us who have known and loved him.

  14. I was 11 going on 12, and remember running out to remind my friends to watch the premiere, a few minutes before that first episode aired.

    Whenever I think of the show, I think of Spock first. As others here have said earlier, he WAS Star Trek.

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