September 11 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

More On Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions

1 min read


Next month, Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions will be released.

The two-disc set will feature eight episodes from the original series.

Last month, TrekToday reported that a new DVD set would be released on March 17, featuring eight episodes where “Captain James Tiberius Kirk steps squarely into the spotlight.”

The episodes include The Corbomite Maneuver, The Doomsday Machine, The City on the Edge of Forever, The Conscience of the King, Balance of Terror, Space Seed, Mirror Mirror, and Return to Tomorrow.

Special features will include: What Makes a Good Captain?, The Importance of the “Captain’s Log,” Captain Kirk’s Legacy and an introduction by William Shatner and Joan Collins.

The run time for the set is six hours and forty-three minutes.

Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions will sell for a suggested retail price of $16.99.

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12 thoughts on “More On Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions

  1. Will there be a “Spock’s Greatest Moments” set forthcoming, or are captains the only ones who matter? 🙂 I wonder if Paramount even realizes that many fans consider the friendship among the three main characters to be one of the defining elements of TOS.

  2. Who buys this crap?

    People who are interested enough in Trek to spend money on it probably have the box sets already. Those who don’t, aren’t going buy a few random episodes. But what do I know–they’ve been putting out these packages for years, so *somebody* must be buying them. Completists with more money than sense, maybe?

  3. “Spock’s Leaps of Logic” and “McCoy’s Medical Marvels” are no doubt the next couple of volumes in the set. Persona;yl I can’t wait to get “Chekov’s Russian Inwentions”. Those are always good for a laugh.

  4. Hee! That’s cute.

    There’s a memo from Roddenberry that says having Chekov say that everything was a Russian invention is a tired joke, and they should stop using it. The writers seem not to have read it. 🙂

  5. Maybe Star Trek fans who are desperate to spread their Trek love to non-Trek friends buy them as gifts? “Okay, so you won’t watch all 79 episodes with me. Here, try these eight that somebody picked as especially good.”

  6. Yeah, I bought a “Best of X-Files” but have no interest in buying the whole show. I guess people who really want the extras will buy this too.

  7. There is a market for casual fans that want some episodes of a show but not all of it. It’s not just a Star Trek thing although Trek may be the biggest culprit. Honestly there are a few shows I’d love to enjoy a few episode of but not necessarily the whole show.

  8. I’ll buy this for my wife! She loves classic Kirk! Hey, it’s easier than fishing through the complete series looking for the macho Kirk episodes. Now if only there was an equivalent set for The Wild Wild West with the best Robert Conrad episodes, she’d be ecstatic, lol.

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