October 23 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Nimoy Health Scare

1 min read


Leonard Nimoy was taken to the hospital last week.

The eighty-three-year old actor suffers from a variety of ailments, including COPD.

According to TMZ, Nimoy suffered severe chest pains last Thursday, and so the call to 911 was made. Nimoy was taken to UCLA Medical Center. It is not known if he is still in the hospital or if he has been released, but odds are he’s back home as he has resumed posting on Twitter.

A representative with Nimoy’s agent, Bob Gersh, would not comment on the matter, nor would UCLA Medical Center.

“A life is like a garden,” said Nimoy via Twitter earlier today. “Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP.”

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19 thoughts on “Nimoy Health Scare

  1. Shatner and Nimoy are the exact same age. I’m surprised by Shatner’s seemingly remarkable health for his age (despite his now heavier girth).

  2. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery, Mr. Nimoy! Here’s hoping you continue to live long and prosper!

  3. I’m sure Leonard Nimoy’s former heavy smoking makes a big difference. I don’t know if Shatner smoked/smokes.

  4. Shatner worked out a lot (or at least kept active) despite his girth; as for Nimoy, smoking and drinking can mess one up.

  5. Shatner did smoke, but he quit during Season 3 of the TV show, whereas Mr. Nimoy didn’t quit until much later. And I don’t know how much Shatner smoked, but Mr. Nimoy said that he used to be an Olympic champion smoker who could smoke even in the shower.

  6. My dear late mom-in-law smoked heavily in her youth, but quit decades ago. Still, she died 2 years ago at age 82 from among other things, mainly lung cancer. Smoking (of any kind, for any period of time) is clearly proven to be bad for our health.

  7. I too hope he makes it to live longer and continue prospering, but let this be a lesson to all Trekkies/Trekkers, be they fans of TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ENT, JJTrek, whichever incarnations of ST: smokes are bad, bad, bad, and will certainly shorten your life.

  8. Yes, we know NOW that it’s bad for our health. The hell of it is that this wasn’t known when Mr. Nimoy started smoking. At the time he began, advertisements said things like “Four out of five doctors smoke Camels.”

    Quitting smoking is said to be more difficult than quitting heroin; nicotine is a very addictive drug, so once a person starts, it’s very hard to stop. I guess that’s why so many of Mr. Nimoy’s tweets encourage people NEVER TO START smoking.

  9. I don’t know how much Shatner smoked, but it was evidently enough that he himself once remarked that the reason he quit was because his daughters complained he smelled like cigarette smoke and Nimoy himself remembered Shatner, going through withdrawals, walking out of the studio and screaming ”I NEED A CIGARETTE!” So I’m assuming he probably smoked a fair amount back then.

  10. And that was the point I was making. I’m 60 and I heard all those “pro-substance” ads back then too, but that doesn’t mean I was so weak-willed that I got into smoking or drinking. Oh, I smoked a couple times as a pre-teen to be “cool”, and got drunk once, but never did either one again because they didn’t feel good. Common sense goes a long way, then and now.

    If people feel the need of something to help them relax, then they need to go for a walk, listen to music, watch a comedy, meditate, do yoga, or cuddle with a loved one.

  11. Do you mean this to come across as blaming Mr. Nimoy for his illness or as telling people who smoke that they deserve anything they get? I hope not.

    It’s easy to judge others, but we never know what pressures or traumas or difficulties another person has to cope with. Shaming and blaming people for smoking just adds to their pressure and makes addicted people want to smoke MORE.

    I’ve never smoked in my life, not a single puff, and I don’t drink and have never been drunk, not even once. But that doesn’t give me a license to judge those who do; it just makes me grateful that my life has been easy enough that I haven’t been driven to use cigarettes or alcohol to cope. With a harder life, it could have been me.

    From what I’ve read in his autobiographies, Mr. Nimoy is clearly an intelligent, thoughtful, and gracious man. He’s been generous to Star Trek fans for decades, in spite of the way we’ve hounded and pursued him, and there are few people as famous as he is who’ve coped with their fame with the dignity and grace that Mr. Nimoy has shown. I admire him, not just Spock, but Mr. Nimoy, too. Yes, he has some human weaknesses, but so have we all. Maybe not the exact same ones, but we’ve got ’em. 🙂

  12. “Do you mean this to come across as blaming Mr. Nimoy for his illness…”

    Hell, no!

    as telling people who smoke that they deserve anything they get?”

    If they know a thing is bad for them yet they continue to abuse it, my sympathy will be limited.

    You don’t know me and I don’t know you, so don’t presume to know my thoughts/feelings. Mind-melds are fiction. Autobiographies are never 100% accurate. And I am not shaming or blaming anyone. Are you?

  13. I may be one of those “dickheads” who don’t appreciate nutrek, but I wish you a speedy recovery, Mr. Nimoy.

  14. Maybe that explains why he was such as asshole, per George Takei’s and James Doohans’ memories.

  15. Maybe. Maybe they expected too much. Maybe he was too hard… just… who knows? They say things, Shatner comments too, I’m sure reality is in the middle somewhere. It usually is.

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