January 21 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: Titan: Sight Unseen Cover Debuts

1 min read


The cover for the forthcoming Star Trek: Titan: Sight Unseen has been unveiled.

The book, written by James Swallow, will arrive in October.

In Star Trek: Titan: Sight Unseen, there is “political upheaval across the United Federation of Planets. Admiral William Riker and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan find themselves in uncertain waters as roles aboard the ship change to reflect a new mandate and a new mission. On orders from Starfleet, Titan sets out toward the edge of Federation space to tackle its latest assignment: to work with an alien species known as the Dinac, who are taking their first steps into the galaxy at large as a newly warp-capable civilization.

“But when disaster befalls the Dinac, the Titan crew discovers they have unknowingly drawn the attention of a deadly, merciless enemy—a nightmare from Riker’s past lurking in the darkness. Friendships will be tested to the limit as familiar faces and new allies must risk everything in a fight against an unstoppable invader—or a horrific threat will be unleashed on the galaxy!”

Star Trek: Titan: Sight Unseen will sell for $7.99 (mass market paperback) or $6.99 (Kindle book).

To see a larger image of the cover, created by Tobias Richter, click on the thumbnail below.


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2 thoughts on “Star Trek: Titan: Sight Unseen Cover Debuts

  1. Haha! My first thought was Armus for some reason, but Lwaxana is equally unsettling.

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