October 24 2024


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Saldana: Studios Unfair To Mothers

2 min read


After deciding to start a family, actress Zöe Saldana found out what many women learn, namely that businesses are often not family-friendly.

The trouble began once she became pregnant with her twins.

“Let me tell you something, it will never be the right time for anybody in your life that you get pregnant,” said Saldana. “The productions I was slated to work on sort of had a panic. I heard through the grapevine there was even a conversation of me being written off of one of the projects.”

Saldana couldn’t believe the attitude. “I was like, ‘Oh, my God, are you kidding me? It’s this bad?’ Right when I just feel super-duper happy, is that inconvenient for you? That me, as a woman in my thirties, I finally am in love and I am finally starting my life? And it’s (screwing) your schedule up? Really?”

What angered her even more was that studios “spend more money sometimes ‘perking’ up male superstars in a movie,” paying for private jets, assistants, bodyguards or booking “a really phat penthouse or them staying in a yacht instead of them staying on land.”

The same is not true for women, Saldana claimed. “But then a woman comes in going, ‘OK, I have a child. You’re taking me away from my home. You’re taking my children away from their home. And you’re going to make me work a lot more hours than I usually would if I was home. Therefore, I would have to pay for this nanny for more hours — so I kind of need that. And they go, ‘Nope, we don’t pay for nannies.'”

But Saldana loves her work in spite of trying to be a good actress and a good mother at the same time. “The battle will always be in trying to balance it out,” she said. “That’s the most exhausting thing, the balance of it all. But it helps when you’re doing it with your companion. If I know Marco is trying to balance it as well, then I feel like I’m not alone.”

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56 thoughts on “Saldana: Studios Unfair To Mothers

  1. In other words, you know I’m right so you give up. Spock as an emotional basket case destroys what made the character Spock and what made him so fascinating. Making Scotty into a comic relief clown is just another example of the new movies destroying these characters. These obvious points are beyond debate, so you’re either a troll or insane.

  2. I guess you missed the fact that Spock faced a court martial for actions and do you really want to argue about his involuntary loss of self-control due to being hit by those spores?

    For some reason, you seem fixated on condemning anyone who dares criticize the way Uhura’s character has been portrayed in nuTrek. For the record, although it was just a cartoon and the plot was pretty hokey, I loved seeing Uhura take command in the animated episode “The Lorelei Syndrome”. I wouldn’t mind her doing so in future but only if she is portrayed as a professional who has earned that command – something which even nuKirk is not and has not done. But I suppose my opinion does not fit the narrative which you use to pigeonhole critics of nuTrek.

  3. You expect the makes of these movies to spend three movies showing Kirk & Co. rising up the ranks? They’re not going to do that. They came up with the shortcuts they did because it was better to do that than to spend three movies showing Kirk and Co. ‘earning’ their positions.

    As somebody else said, and I quote:

    Irony is that Nichelle Nichols herself thinks the new Uhura is a more well rounded character than hers but some people really like to pretend tos was perfection and that they aren’t butthurt over the fact that we aren’t in the 60’s anymore so, you know, Uhura doesn’t have to be an underdeveloped background character and sexism can’t make it so everything revolves around the male characters only.

    They prefer Nichelle’s Uhura because they didn’t see her as a threat and resent Saldana’s Uhura because she ‘doesn’t stay in her place’ as it ‘should be’.

    I couldn’t have said it any better.

  4. I agree that the characters of Kirk and Spock as depicted in these movies are also far from professional which is why many have derisively described the new movies as “Angry Teens in Space”.


  5. I’m sorry, but a story about a ‘superfan’ who created just one of many fan productions (with only, IMHO, three of them being any good) pitching a new TV show to the wrong studio isn’t grounds for me to take what they have to say about the movies seriously. These people (and you) are just pissy because the cast isn’t composed of middle aged leads, but the actual young twenty-and thirty somethings that comprise most armed forces. Maybe you should stick to watching the fan productions until your eyes fall out.

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