Star Trek: Axanar Update
2 min readLast year, Prelude to Axanar made its debut and fans waiting for the main event, Star Trek: Axanar, will be able to see the movie next year, just in time for the original series’ fiftieth anniversary.
In Star Trek: Axanar, the final battle between the Federation and the Klingon Empire is set approximately twenty years before James T. Kirk takes command of the USS Enterprise.
Fans will see Captain Garth before he lost his mind in the original series episode Whom Gods Destroy.
Robert Meyer Burnett is now directing Star Trek: Axanar, and promises to stay true to the original series. “We’re sticking as close as we can to the events depicted in the original series and not referencing the RPG or any of the books and comics that have been written,” he said. “Aside from Garth and Ambassador Soval, all of our characters are completely original, as are the situations presented in the film.
“We’re doing everything we can to make Axanar feel like canon. Taking place twenty-one years before TOS, who’s to say this isn’t exactly how it happened? We find that a huge number of fans have told us they consider Axanar canon because of the way we approach it, and the reverence we have for Star Trek.”
According to io9, in the image accompanying the article, Ambassador Soval (Gary Graham) and Vulcan Minister T’Lera (Kim Fitzgerald) are “discussing a very dire vote the Vulcan High Council has just made, which would have potentially dire consequences for the entire Alpha and Beta quadrants.”
Expect a character-driven film, says Burnett. “Axanar will indeed have some awesome starship combat…which uses actual space science in ways never before depicted on television or on film, but make no mistake, the film is, first and foremost, about our characters. The very last thing I’m interested in is making a ‘pew, pew, pew’ Star Trek movie. I’m taking my inspiration from the very best TOS episodes dealing with warfare; Balance of Terror, A Taste of Armageddon, Errand of Mercy and A Private Little War. I’d also look to films such as Patton, Midway and Apocalypse Now for inspiration.”
Star Trek: Axanar plans a release in the first half of 2016.
I cannot wait.
Great ,yet another stupid slam at the Abrams movies. Way to go, sir: I might not check out your movie now, or even contribute to it.
“We find that a huge number of fans have told us they consider Axanar canon because of the way we approach it”
That is not what canon means. You don’t “consider” something canonical. It is or it isn’t. (This isn’t.)
He knows that.
He knows that. “We find that a huge number of fans have told us they consider… ” Go on the Axanar Facebook groups and fund the many, many times they have said “It is not canon because it is not produced by CBS/Paramount” But, we approach it as such so it has the FEELING of canon and many say it’s in their ‘head canon’.
The word stupid in your sentence should actually come in front of ‘Abrams movies’.
Kang is curious. Which part is the slam? The awesome starship combat? The use of actual space science? The film being first and foremost about the characters? Not being interested in a ‘pew pew pew’ Trek movie? Or the complete lack of any direct or indirect naming or shaming of the Abrams films (ie. “…unlike some OTHER Trek films…”)?
Give me a break about the pew pew please, this movies’s got it in spades. You and the others need to smarten the frack up and grow the frack up about the new movies vis-a-vis the older shows and movie; all of them are the same as the other, a space opera/action adventure franchise that has exploration in it as a backdrop.
Stop believing the bullshit about Roddenberry having a ‘vision’-he didn’t have one, it was all smoke being blown up his ass by over-adoring fans that got to his head (and made him make the characters of Star Trek-TNG be less than memorable as characters.)
Grow the frack up and admit that the new movies made Star Trek popular again with a younger generation (many of whom are discovering the older series on TV and DVD.) Try and put what this fan film (which will only be seen by a few hundreds vs. the millions that have seen the new movies) in perspective and stop believing that it will be somehow ‘better’ and more ‘popular than the movies. Stop believing all of the crap about the new movies not having ‘actual space science’-none of the Star Trek show/movies do, it’s science fantasy with a smidgen of real science in it (which has admittedly influenced real scientists to invent things.)
Do this and accept reality about these fan films and he official productions; neither is better than the other.
Actually yes, these days the fan films are indeed better than the official productions.
Or should I just go and grow the frack up?
A few of them are, but most are not up to the standard of of the official shows and movies. Axanar is great, but as I said, it`s not automatically better than the current films, and people like yourself need to see that.
Kang is curious, do you actually read anything Kang types, or is Kang just giving his tentacles a workout?
You doth protest too much. What’s to say that the director is referencing ALL of the Star Trek films, and not singling the Abrams outing? And besides, starships shouldn’t move like starfighters, IMO.