February 16 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

New Trek TV Series In The Works!

2 min read

Star Trek will be back on TV in January 2017!

Alex Kurtzman is developing a new Star Trek series with CBS Television Studios.

A special preview of the new Trek series will debut on the CBS Television Network, and then the premiere episode and other first-run episodes will be shown in the U.S. on CBS All Access, CBS‘s on-demand and live-streaming service.

“The new program will be the first original series developed specifically for U.S. audiences for CBS All Access, a cross-platform streaming service that brings viewers thousands of episodes from CBS‘s current and past seasons on demand, plus the ability to stream their local CBS Television station live for $5.99 per month. CBS All Access already offers every episode of all previous Star Trek television series.

The new show will also be “concurrently for television and multiple platforms around the world by CBS Studios International.”

“The brand-new Star Trek will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966.”

Kurtzman and Heather Kadin will be executive producers, and the show will be produced by CBS Television Studios in association with Kurtzman’s Secret Hideout.

“There is no better time to give Star Trek fans a new series than on the heels of the original show’s fiftieth anniversary celebration,” said David Stapf, President, CBS Television Studios. “Everyone here has great respect for this storied franchise, and we’re excited to launch its next television chapter in the creative mind and skilled hands of Alex Kurtzman, someone who knows this world and its audience intimately.”

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122 thoughts on “New Trek TV Series In The Works!

  1. So excited for this! 2017 can’t come soon enough! I hope they go back to the prime universe. I have faith in Kurtzman to produce something worthwhile, his other TV series have been good. Looking forward to seeing what he can do with Star Trek on TV!

  2. So excited about this! I literally just said the other day that we need a new Star Trek series to help restore some sort of hope & sense of adventure about the future, to give us new things to strive for, to remember that different people can work together in harmony and peace, and to help reignite interest in science and the show can spawn that we can try to replicate for our actual future like needless hypos, computers that run the home, tablet computers, transporters, and tractor beams. So excited for this!

  3. If it’s not the PRIME UNIVERSE don’t bother….the movie verse is just a dumbed down version of Star Trek trying to do comedy.

  4. I hope it’s in the Prime Universe. If so, they have a customer. If it’s the effed up JJ verse that can beam the crew across the galaxy, I won’t bother

  5. Hm. Perhaps Kang’s decision to light Alex Kurtzman’s emptied skull on fire was premature.

  6. Absolutely thrilled about the news as well as the fact that after decades of fighting it, Moonves has finally seen the light. IMHO:nn- It will be JJverse as they have to hook into the movies in some way just like Agents of SHIELD does. It’s the way of marketing both properties these days, and remember it’s all about the Benjamins.n- Even though he’s currently out of the “picture” Bob Orci will be a producer and/or writer. That’s a good and bad thing in that Orci is an exceptional writer even though I’ve actively despised his two ST movie scripts.n- There will be an element of “hot people running” as that’s what attracts audiences these days. This isn’t 1968, and that’s a good and bad thing as well.n- Going streaming is an exceptionally wise business move. Even if it draws an audience which would make it a first season cancellation on CBS it’s going to equal massive success on streaming. nnAgain, all of this is IMHO. I have no independent confirmation but it seems that’s the most logical way for it to go.

  7. It’s about time we got a new series… but it better be prime universe or no money from me.

  8. I’m not even going to say “best wishes”, as I think this is just going to be “Millennials in Space”, saying all the proper groupthink things, and thinking all the proper groupthink thoughts, while having sex and declaring themselves heroic. A college road trip in a starship, with all the depth that involves.

  9. Will the series be about spock/uhura’s kid? That would be super cool, I’d love to see another vulcan/human character and I’m sure Quinto would love to make quest appearances as Spock

  10. They should get Ronald D. Moore of Battlestar Galactica and TNG, to be involved in every aspect, seriously!!

  11. I don’t think you’re too far off, but it still could be a palatable series for us long term Trek fans. I think we have to look at Hawaii Five-O as the guide. The 60s show by today’s standards was wooden and puritanical. It was duly updated by Alex & Co. just as you described. Why? That’s because this is what today’s audiences want to see. Ratings are not the most important thing, they’re the only thing. nnIf Alex and Bob had an immaculately coiffed Jack Lord clone strutting around Waikiki solemnly pronouncing “Book ’em Dano” their series would never have gone past the pilot stage. The parallels to the “other” 60s show we’re discussing are more than obvious.nnPiers Morgan last week wrote an essay about how Star Wars destroyed sci-fi and he does make some valid points. Every time Hollywood looks like they’re really going to do a “true sci-fi” it turns out to be along the lines of Interstellar with a faceplant of an ending a kindergarden student could have come up with. IMHO: This new series is not going to be your grandpa’s Trek TV but distressingly close to Millennials In Space. Real sci-fi (Clarke, Asimov & the other masters) will never make it to the screen as there aren’t enough hot people sweating and grinding as well as not enough hardcore fans to make it profitable. Regardless of how Trek TV turns out I can assure CBS that I won’t miss a frame. And I know I’m not alone.

  12. Patience! Vigilance! Come January, 2017 you will have the opportunity to declare whether or not “Today is a good day to fry.”

  13. My gut tells me this will be set in the JJ universe and will be a PC/thought-police based take on classic trek idealism and humanity. I forsee a “Jenner” epsiode, I forsee a “_____ Lives Matter” episode, and so on.nnI really do hope I’m wromg.

  14. Trek has always dealt with the issues of the day : The famous interracial kiss, Sexism ,Militarism (in the era of Vietnam), racism , and even cloning and stem cells. Times change and so must the series.

  15. Paramount/CBS has overlooked the real ST fans with the failed reboot. They will continue to do so with the new series. No one at P/CBS knows what ST REALLY is. The fans know, but they will never ask.

  16. I’m just glad the word “Orci” doesn’t appear in a EP capacity. Awful little weasel!

  17. There’s no such thing as “the JJ universe” any more. He’s off making Star Wars, won’t be working on this, and they’ll just do whatever they want.

  18. Hi five to you! It must have been an epic wait to finally get to use that witty comment on a message board. Double high five because you are probably the first person EVER to use it! Well done sir!

  19. I would love it if the Star Trek series tackles the issues of the day like the original series and the Next Generation did (and to a smaller extent DS9, VOY, and ENT).

  20. Indeed. The problem seems to be the fans that don’t stay up with the times and keep the same hardline discriminatory and hateful attitudes that many Trek episodes railed against.

  21. I was thrilled to see that a new Star Trek series would be coming to television … and then I saw that Kurtzman — the one who made “Into Darkness” so bad — would be at the helm. I’d be willing to pay for the stupid All Access thing if someone decent were the showrunner, but Kurtzman…nnDear CBS — How about J. Michael Straczynski?

  22. Yes, real issues. Not the fake issues of today that are created to distract us from what’s really going on around the world. nnIf TNG was made today, The Borg would have been the protagonists.

  23. as long as we are talking about real issues, and not made-up media politics, I completely agree.nnThe last thing we need is Star Trek that serves as a vehicle for Cultural Marxism. Gene would roll in his grave.

  24. My first instinct brings to mind Scotty’s comment in “Galileo Seven” when the shuttlecraft fuel runs out, n”Well, that’s it then.” But of course they survived that and anything can happen. Unfortunately I don’t think the Hawaii Five-0 reboot captured the iconic characters or storytelling of the original — or its high ratings. Unlike the 60’s version, it’s more about personal relationships than crime solving. But I’ll give this new Trek show a look. “Star Trek” stayed reasonably true to itself (TOS movies and Next Gen) because the original actors/creators were involved. That’s not the case now, so things will change. Maybe this time they try to use Trek to launch a network it will work.

  25. Agree with lots of what you say but Jack Lord is iconic, and the 60’s show ran for a long time and reached high ratings. I think 68-80. The new McGarrett frequently gets too rough — at least Jack Lord got warrants and scrupulously followed the law. Not trying to snark, but there is a lot of good will around that original show.

  26. I think JJ was the one that proposed linking the two universes together as parallel. So I would say it still is his universe even if someone else is playing around in it.

  27. Don’t forget Option 3! It could be a reboot of the reboot and set in an all new timeline. Honestly, I don’t want Kurtzman anywhere near the Prime U. The last time he dabbled in it, he blew up Romulas!

  28. The last two movies have been erased from existence? Oh that’s right, JJ’s Star Wars demo reels do still exists, so regardless if he’s behind new entries or not, it will always be “JJ Trek”.

  29. I agree. I’m so done with Nu Trek and I want them to go back to what made Star Trek great to begin with. Prime Universe or no deal IMO.

  30. Amen to that. And when they throw all of that crap into the new series, they’ll call it “enlightened civilization” and pretend it steps in line with Gene’s vision. Thank God I have all of the old shows to rewatch over and over again.

  31. If JJ screws up Ep 7 of Star Wars, I swear the people doing cosplay on opening night will riot.

  32. Fans don’t keep up with the times? I’m sorry, but the modern era sucks. Ever since 9/11, all that is ever on TV is some dark crap to explore what a dreary world we live in, mixed with made up issues backed by a liberal media.nnMeanwhile, the population of places like Skid Row in LA keeps growing, education is becoming an even bigger joke than it was the year before hand, families are being torn apart by the selfish impulses of adults and social justice warriors push an agenda of hate and totalitarian control over the masses by masking it as love. Times are NOT getting better, they are actually more bleak then ever before and instead of actually trying to save society, we seem OK letting her die off and then patting our backs on a job not so well done.nnI’d love if a new Star Trek would actually cover the real issues of the day instead of turning into the liberal media’s sock puppet, but I doubt that will be the case sadly.

  33. Cue the cranky old guys! You new kids get off of my lawn! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hey look, I’m 46, grew up with the original series reruns – Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley will always be my Kirk, Spock and McCoy. But I’ve managed to enjoy each iteration for what it is and not constantly bitch about what it isn’t.

  34. I’ll try to stay optimistic. Won’t be easy with the Jar Jar Abrams abominations so fresh in mind and so successfully catering to an action-oriented audience who don’t recognize – or care about – the lack of an actual plot. But, I did start this off by saying that I’ll try to stay optimistic.nnnI look forward to getting some real details over the next year.

  35. Ha ha, I’m the same age as you and couldn’t agree more. Point well made, sir.nnSeemingly, IDIC is espoused but not practiced by some fans. Being the age I am, I’m old enough to remeber some very familiar rhetoric from certain sectors back in ’87 when TNG launched. How very dare they, it’s not “real” Trek etc.nnI can’t help but smile as the wheel has apparently come full circle now!

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