January 14 2025


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Star Trek Beyond Trailer Debuts

1 min read

The first trailer for next summer’s Star Trek Beyond has arrived!

The movie promises lots of action, crewmembers in peril, aliens and more music from the Beastie Boys.

The trailer is below. Enjoy watching it multiple times (with pauses to pick out various elements of course).

Star Trek Beyond releases July 22, 2016.

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113 thoughts on “Star Trek Beyond Trailer Debuts

  1. Sorry, but no no no no no. Looks like Mad Max. God awful hard rock soundtrack. No Trek theme referenced in the music at all. Generic summer blockbuster rubbish. Gene will be turning in his grave.

  2. Kang is clinging to the desperate hope that this trailer was cut together by the same half-blind brain-damaged syphilitic marmoset responsible for the latest Batman8=DSuperman trailer.

  3. …nnnBad.nnnThis had better be a case of a poorly edited trailer, with the next trailer being damned impressive, or Kang just might be on the way to Scotland to have a little chat with Simon.

  4. There’s a lot of Scotty in that trailer. I wonder if Mr. Pegg wrote himself a nice, juicy part? :-)nnWith a 90-second trailer, you can make a good movie look bad or a bad movie look good. I think it’s WAY too soon to tell much about the movie. I’ll be seeing it, regardless of whether it turns out to be good or bad.nnBig-budget movies will never give us the kind of Star Trek I really like — the kind we got in “Journey to Babel” or “The Devil in the Dark” — but I’d rather have new Star Trek than not have it. Though “Into Darkness” did shake that opinion quite a bit…

  5. For me, the music used in the trailer is a dead giveaway that this has almost nothing to do with Star Trek or good sci-fi for that matter.nnGood sci-fi would go with something more dramatic. With an orchestra. With dramatic stings. Remember ST2009 trailers? Seen The Force Awakens trailers? I wonder why SW chose to go with boring symphonic stuffu2026nnThe kind of music used clearly indicates a stupid action flick. Like F&F. Or a comedy. Not to mention the mandatory u201cfunny line at the of the traileru201d that Kirk says.nnThis audience targetting is really disappointing :(nnP.S.: a motorcycle? Are you effing kidding me. Srsly.

  6. Come on, the writing’s on the wall. The Force Awakens trailer got me excited, and I generally dislike Star Wars. This one makes me cringe. Motorcycles? Rock music? Audience targetting is obvious. This is a stupid action flick.

  7. Seriously? Are they really doing THAT? Trek: The hyperactive action flick for ADHD 13 year olds.nnSo now we have nothing other than Kurtz’s gawd-only-knows-how-messed-up version of Trek on streaming to look forward to?nnI want to go cry in my Romulan Ale.

  8. Sadly, this music is in the film since NuKirk refers to it in the trailer dialogue. nI detested the dune buggy scene in Nemesis, there’s no way I’ll sit through NuKirk’s motorbike jump. I’m out.

  9. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what Pegg, Lin and Paramount will be putting out on the 50th anniversary of our beloved Star Trek. F*** ’em. . .every last one of them.

  10. When the director was first announced months back, I figured anything labeled “from the director of The Fast and the Furious” would be straying away from Trek even faster than anything that’s come before.nnThis trailer exactly confirms my expectations. It’ll make a ton of money at the box office, but it’s still going to be just a movie I’ll see exactly once and forget about. There’s no long-term value in these action flicks. As with the last two incarnations, I’ll still skip it even when it’s released straight to the bargain bins.

  11. More of the same from the House of No Ideas. I think I’ll save my movie money for something else.nnPS: If anyone with any say at Paramount or CBS see this message, if you want anymore of my money to go towards Star Trek, stop making crap like this and start making real Star Trek again. Put DS9, Voyager and The Animated Series on Blu-ray and release the original 10 films in extended cuts. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ve spent my last dime on Trek.

  12. After the last two films, what do you think? Like REAL Scotty said on TOS: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” PS: This is the third time.

  13. This trailer is designed to play right before Star Wars, to entice the Star Wars crowd to see Star Trek Beyond. It’s possible that the whole movie is just like the trailer — entirely possible — but it’s also possible that it’s targeted to a very particular audience: Star Wars fans.nnI could put together a 90-second trailer that would make “Journey to Babel” or “Amok Time” look like dumb action movies, and we all know that they weren’t. A montage of Spock throwing soup at Christine Chapel, of Kirk and Spock fighting on Vulcan, of Kirk hanging limply from the ahn-woon, and we’d all think we didn’t want to see THAT. Because the trailer would leave out all the interesting parts that tied the action bits together and made them meaningful.nnIt’s quite possible — entirely too possible — that the entire movie is a dumb action flick. But we can’t prove that from a 90-second trailer, and it pleases me to keep an open mind until July rolls around.

  14. Based on the last two films, I’d say this entire reboot series is targeted to Star Wars fans. Star Trek fans need not enjoy. o_0

  15. Now, now, let him go. He is probably at the same place a lot of fans were about five or six years ago. Lord knows I was. Trying to get over the shock that despite all of our years of loyal fandom, Paramount doesn’t want us anymore and Star Trek is dead. For me, I came to the truth sometime in 2009 or early 2010. For other fans, it took Into Dumbness in 2013 to figure it out and move on. For others still, it will take this new film and maybe even the 2017 series coming. Some will never figure it out. The death of a beloved part of the family is always hard to settle with.

  16. I’m hard of hearing and have trouble hearing the dialogue over the music. Do you know if there’s a dialogue transcript of the trailer anywhere?

  17. The last two films were by Abrams, who made no secret of the fact that he preferred Star Wars to Star Trek. Justin Lin, though, says he’s a serious Trek fan. So I’m still allowing myself to hope for better than Into Dumbness.

  18. It’s more that I’ve never been all that fond of any of the Star Trek movies. I loved the TV episodes of TOS, but I had problems with all of the movies. So my expectations for Star Trek movies are already somewhat low, and I look at the movies as overly flashy advertisements for the TV show. ๐Ÿ™‚ nnOf the six movies with the TOS cast, I liked TSFS and TVH the best; it always seemed to me as if Mr. Nimoy really GOT Star Trek, whereas the people who made the other movies didn’t really understand the characters or the atmosphere. Yes, I understand that most Star Trek fans adore TWOK and will think that this is sacrilege. :-)nnI had a lot of problems with the first reboot movie, but I thought the general idea of creating a new timestream so that the writers could do anything they wanted was a brilliant one. I hated the second reboot movie and was thrilled to hear that we would be getting entirely new writers and a new director for the third one. It still won’t be what I want — a big-budget Hollywood movie has to appeal to the action-movie crowd, and that’s never been the Star Trek I want to see — but I’m hoping for another flashy advertisement that draws people in to the TV show.nnOh, and I’m not a “him,” not that you would be expected to know that from my name or avatar. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I couldn’t find one but here’s a quick transcription:nnScotty: Is that music?nnKirk: It’s a good choice.nnScotty: Aye, well play it.nnKirk (offscreen): We have no ship, no crewnnKirk: How are we going to get out of this one?nnSpock (offscreen): We will find hope, in the impossiblennMcCoy: Well, at least I won’t die alone. Well, thatu2019s justntypical.nnScotty: Letu2019s hope this doesnu2019t get messy.nnAlien (Idris Elba): nThis is where it begins, Captain. This is where the frontier pushesnback.nnKirk: What the hell is this?nnAlien (Sofia Boutella): I know why youu2019re here. Why we all are herennKirk: OK, letu2019s never do that again.

  20. Sorry, but I loved it! (I’m probably the only person on here, but who cares)…nnYes, I understand a lot of your comments and yes, I can see how it’s clearly going to divide opinion. But as always it seems that a lot of you had already made your mind up that you were going to hate it before you even watched it. It just seems fashionable for any fan of prime trek to bash anything new trek, regardless. Well sorry, I don’t buy into that.nnI want to wait and see the film for real before making my mind up. If it turns out to be a turkey, so be it. But there have been plenty of turkeys in the past with every version of Star Trek. New Trek doesn’t have a monopoly on that. Surely it can’t be worse than Star Trek V-TFF! (Although if it turns out that the aliens in the new film have crashed the Enterprise and enslaved its crew, just so they can all go on a journey to the centre of the universe to find God, and play him some Beastie Boys tracks, then I’ll gladly eat my words)nnPart of the reason I still have high hopes for this film is that I have great faith in Simon Pegg. He really knows how to write good movies. Trailers don’t tell the whole story. The trailer for ‘Shaun of the Dead’ didn’t do it any favours, but wow, what a great movie. The same could easily be said of Hot Fuzz, Paul, Run Fatboy Run, etc…nnYes, Justin Lin wasn’t a great choice as director, but I don’t mind the Fast and Furious films, which have slightly improved over time. And to be honest, I enjoyed the last one a lot.nnLooks like it could be a promising storyline. True they’ve crashed the enterprise before in a few films (I wonder if Troy is at the helm this time?). But it looks like fun. When I think back to my favourite episodes from each incarnation of Trek, for me they’ve all had fun and excitement. Boxes ticked. nnSo come on then… all hate me if you want. Feel free to throw the abuse my way, if you must. But please just try and be a bit more balanced in your opinions instead of just hitting New Trek over the head with a club, caveman style.

  21. Aww, thank you so much! It’s really sweet of you to transcribe that for me. Have some plomeek soup (or Saurian brandy, depending on your tastes :-D) on me!

  22. Oh. My. GAAAAAWD. Paramount, WTF have you done to my beloved Star Trek? That was the biggest load of Bantha poo poo (Oh wait, wrong ****ed up JJverse) I’ve ever seen. Call me when an adult takes control of Trek again paramount. In the meantime, may a 1000 Klingons have their way with the execs at paramount for letting this turd out on the 50th anniversary. And I don’t give a crap if Simon Pegg likes what I have to say or not. He can go **** himself too. Kirk out

  23. You’re welcome, I’ll have a brandy after this one (although I wouldn’t mind sharing a mint julep from our good ol’ country doctor and the one bright star in this trailer). ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Absolutely appalling. Unbelievably hamfisted, clumsy, poorly edited, and aimed at an audience that will simply chuckle and forget it within seconds.

  25. And if that is the case, then Simon Pegg will be as big a lying sonuvabitch as JJ and the three stooges.

  26. No wonder Pegg was whining and complaining all year, he was chained to this horrible turd. He better get used to it, he’ll be apologizing all his life for this trainwreck.

  27. the boosters will sneer and call you an elitist old man for not being down with the yoof. Whereas any kid can tell you this music is for middle-aged men who drone on about the 80s and 90s. The kind of tedious bores who think images of Benedict Cumberbatch with NOPE lazily photoshopped on are funny.

  28. Mad Max was a fun movie made by people who REALLY CARED about the source material. This won’t be 1/20th as good.

  29. True. However, some elements disturb Kang.nThe same Beastie Boys song from the first film is discussed in the dialogue… meaning it is in the film.nThe only part that felt like Trek in the least was the bit where Spock beams out on McCoy.nThe motorcycle jump had better be a dream sequence or some idiotic VR game.nAnd while Kang applauds the destruction of the overinflated cock-thrusting JJprise (leaving the door open for a new design that might actually not suck), it smacks disgustingly of “Hey, the third one’s where they blow up the ship, right?”

  30. Looks like the issue du film will be imperialism.nWhich will be briefly mentioned and then buried in ‘splodeyboom and moronic hijinks.

  31. Trek 2009 is still worth watching. Just pretend they never made any more. Just like they never made any more series after Deep Space Nine.

  32. For me it was between 2009 and 2013. But at least the trailer from 2009 was really something. The music alone used to gave me shivers. It had that “good sci-fi” vibe. This “Star Trek: …Not!” abomination BS doesn’t.

  33. MOTORCYCLES?nIN MY STAR TREK?n/grabs some rope and a chairnnBut seriously folks.nI dunno about you guys but:nhttp://i.imgur.com/vMX4suA.gif

  34. Here lies Star Trek 1966-2016, killed by some pricks called Simon Pegg and Justin Lin.nn”It is a far better thing I do than I have ever done before. A far better resting place I go to than I have ever known.”

  35. Totally ruined Star Trek. Not going to buy a ticket and I may not even rent the DVD. I mean there is not even a hint or nod to it being a 50th Anniversary film. What about any tribute or nod to Nimoy or Shatner? No Shatner cameo? I can’t help but think that Orci’s script was much better. And what’s with this stupid rock music.

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