Star Trek 50th Anniversary Art Exhibit
1 min read
Star Trek: 50 Artists, 50 Years; a new art exhibit, will make its debut in San Diego during this year’s Comic Con.
Created to commemorate this year’s 50th anniversary of Star Trek, the exhibit will feature Trek-inspired works by fifty artists from ten different countries.
Included will be “original 2D and 3D pieces by the artists,” including “illustrations, photographs, sculptures, paintings, graphics and more.” Also included will be a work of art by Leonard Nimoy, who was a photographer.
Star Trek: 50 Artists, 50 Years will debut at Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts in San Diego’s Gaslight Quarter during the Comic-Con, which takes place July-21-24.
To see several of the pieces to be represented at Star Trek: 50 Artists, 50 Years, head to the link located here.