CBS Advises Horizon Shut Down
2 min read
Another Star Trek fan film has been advised to stop production by CBS Corporation.
Star Trek: Axanar‘s fundraising surely caught the attention of CBS Corporation and Paramount Pictures Inc. and a court case is currently winding its way through the courts. As feared by many fans, this action now seems to be affecting other Star Trek fan films with the word from Star Trek: Horizon that they were advised to cease production of their Federation Rising film.
“Earlier today, executives from CBS reached out to me and advised me that their legal team strongly suggested that we do not move forward with plans to create a sequel to Horizon,” said Star Trek Horizon Creator Tommy Kraft. “While this is a sign of the current climate that we find ourselves in with Star Trek fan films, I want to personally thank CBS for reaching out to me, rather than including us in their ongoing lawsuit against Axanar.
“It was conveyed that the reason CBS was reaching out to me was due to the legal troubles stemming from the Axanar case. Again, CBS did not have to reach out personally. The message I received felt more like they were giving me a heads up before we got too involved in another project, rather than a group of angry executives swinging a hammer.”
As a result, a proposed Federation Rising Kickstarter due to start on Saturday will not take place. Instead, Kraft and Co-Writer/Producer Ryan Webber will turn their attentions to an original project, which they will announce on Saturday.
“On behalf of myself and Ryan Webber, my co-writer and co-producer on Federation Rising, we appreciate your initial support and are saddened that we cannot bring you what we believe was a fantastic feature film.”