Original Series Blind Box Tiny Trek Figures
1 min read
Sixteen original series figures will be of interest to Trek fans.
The Star Trek The Original Series Blind Box Figures are now available for purchase. The figures include: Kirk, Spock, Bones, Chapel, Rand, Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, Pike, Gorn, Khan, Vina, Balok, a Talosian Keeper, Kirk Chase, and a shirtless Sulu.
Some of the three-inch-high figures “come with a character-specific accessory or two.”
The only downside regarding the cute little figures is that they are “blind box,” meaning you pay your $9.99 and you get whatever the “robotic warehouse monkey” chooses with its “mechanical claw hands.” If you order multiple figures, you could conceivably get doubles and the figures are *non*-returnable.
To order your Original Series Blind Box Tiny Trek Figure, head to the link located here.