September 9 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 4K?

1 min read

Forty years after the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, there is talk of a director’s cut in high-def.

During the Inglorious Treksperts panel at San Diego Comic Con, David Fein, producer of the 2001 Director’s Edition, told fans that talks were underway to create an all-new 4K Ultra HD presentation of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Daren Dochterman, who was the visual effects supervisor for the 2001 Director’s Edition of Star Trek: The Motion picture, said this via his Twitter account: “At the #SDCC2019 @inglorioustrek panel it was revealed that @ParamountPics in talks with the TMP Director’s Edition team about bringing Robert Wise‘s final version of the film to 4K! Share the news and your support! #tmpde4k.”

In an interview after the panel with TrekMovie, Dochterman told them that Paramount had originally planned on a 40th anniversary re-release of the theatrical version. But in the last few months, there had been talks with Fein about making a 4K version instead. “The green light has not yet been given,” said Dochterman; “but it is a yellow light. We have been given permission to talk about it at San Diego Comic Con.”

Dochterman added “If it is going to happen within the next couple of months, we would definitely have a big announcement by the actual 40th-anniversary date [December 6].”

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