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Star Trek: The Motion Picture Book Review

2 min read

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
by Gene Roddenberry

Book Description:

“Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Trek: The Motion Picture with this classic movie novelization written by legendary Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry!

“More than fifty years after its television debut with the Original Series, the Star Trek franchise remains one of the most popular in science fiction and modern popular culture, and is often regarded as the most influential science fiction TV series in history. This novel is a sequel to the end of the Starship Enterprise‘s five-year mission.”

Book Set-up:

  • Admiral Kirk’s Preface
  • Author’s Preface
  • Chapters One through Twenty-eight
  • About the Author

The Review:

This is a re-release of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture novelization which made its debut in December 1979.

The story begins with some words from Admiral Kirk where he explains the origins of his name, his entry into Starfleet and gives a little information about society in his time, including those humans who belong to the “New Humans” movement.

This is where most of the “new information” in the story is presented, other than fleshing out the characters by including their thoughts during various events in the book. The rest of the story follows along the lines of the movie, which should be familiar to any Star Trek fan.

The Verdict:

Honestly? I’m about to commit blasphemy. I’m not always a fan of Roddenberry’s writing. I find it to be sometimes juvenile (Kirk’s mother’s “first love instructor” anyone?) and overly idealistic. The “new humans” made me roll my eyes.

The idea that Starfleet, known throughout Trek for choosing the best and brightest, had to amend that and that Kirk was one of the first not in the privileged group is – well – laughable.

Other than that this was the story that we saw on screen. I hadn’t read this book or seen the movie in years, and one thing reading it did do was make me want to watch the movie again.

For those whose copies of the 1979 book are falling apart, this will do as a replacement and a re-read of the story is never a bad idea.

Just skip the Admiral Kirk’s Preface.

Book Information:

Author: Gene Roddenberry

Publisher: Gallery Books

Publication Date: October 1, 2019

ISBN-13: 978-1982139193
ISBN-10: 1982139196

Pages: 256

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is available as a trade paperback for $16.00 or as an eBook for $7.99. Star Trek: The Motion Picture is also available as an audiobook for $14.88. To order, head to the link located here.

About The Author

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