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Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless Review

2 min read

Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless
by Dave Galanter

Book Description:

“The U.S.S. Discovery‘s specialty is using its spore-based hub drive to jump great distances faster than any warp-faring vessel in Starfleet. To do this, Lieutenant Paul Stamets navigates the ship through the recently revealed mycelial network, a subspace domain Discovery can briefly transit but in which it cannot remain. After responding to a startling distress call originating from within the network, the Discovery crew find themselves trapped in an inescapable realm where they will surely perish unless their missing mycelial fuel is found or restored. Is the seemingly human man found alone and alive inside the network the Starfleet officer he claims to be, or an impostor created by alien intruders who hope to extract themselves from the mycelial plane at the expense of all lives aboard Discovery?”

Book Set-up:

Chapter 1-28
About the Author

Non-Spoiler Review:

Fans of Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets will enjoy this book, which explores the relationship between the pair. However, there is a twist and this could explain Culber’s behavior towards Stamets during Season Two.

Spoiler Review:

While there is plenty of character interaction and I always like when the crew interacts when off-duty, such as sharing meals together, the story focused on Culber and Stamets. I must admit, I wish what happened could be put into the main show, as I really feel it gives more of a reason for Culber’s behavior towards Stamets after he returned from the dead.

The choice of Culber’s companion in the mycelial network was interesting, but after hearing Ephraim repeat the same phrase to Culber over and over again, it’s a wonder Culber didn’t come out of the network totally insane.

Fans of Burnham are really going to enjoy her in Dead Endless as she is finally in command. Burnham shines as a Captain and she and Saru work very well together. Burnham’s captaincy is tested when Discovery ends up trapped in the mycelial network and must find a way to escape before it’s too late for them.

The Verdict:

In Dead Endless, the characters are well-written and it’s a pleasure to see our favorite Discovery characters come alive in the story. Dead Endless is a good lead-in to the next season of Discovery, even if the story took place somewhat earlier. It will definitely make the reader look at the Culber-Stamets relationship again.

Book Information:

Author: Dave Galanter

Publisher: Gallery Books

Publication Date: Dec 17, 2019

ISBN-13: 978-1982123840

ISBN-10: 1982123842

Pages: 342

Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless is available as a trade paperback for $16.00 or as an eBook for $11.99. Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless is also available as an audiobook for 16.53 To order, head to the link located here.

About The Author

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