New Royal Mail Star Trek Stamps
1 min read
The Royal Mail has announced new stamps to celebrate fifty years of Star Trek.
The stamps to be released on November 13 include twelve stamps featuring Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Spock, Troi, Bashir, Reed, Lorca, Ash Tyler and Burnham.
In addition, a miniature sheet of six stamps from the Trek movies features Scotty, Shinzon, Tolian Soran, Chancellor Gorkon, Carol Marcus and Krall.
“For more than fifty years Star Trek has enthralled and inspired generations of loyal fans with extraordinary adventures and an optimistic vision of humanity’s future,” said Philip Parker of Royal Mail. “We celebrate the Star Trek Universe with stylish new stamps of its iconic characters.”
The twelve main character stamps were illustrated by Freya Betts.
Click on thumbnail at left to see full-sized Lorca stamp.