PBS has announced that Star Trek into Darkness' Benedict Cumberbatch will be paying a visit to the children's show Sesame...
Zachary Quinto and Anton Yelchin were seen on a commercial which aired during yesterday's Super Bowl broadcast. The commercial was...
Zachary Quinto will be starting work soon on Agent 47, the sequel to 2007's Hitman. Hitman was based on the...
There will be twenty-two conventions, shows or appearances in February and March 2014 that will feature actors of interest to...
A senior citizen in a wheelchair at a large airport usually doesn't merit a second glance, but when it was...
Star Trek fans who enjoy watching the televised shows on Amazon Prime will be happy to hear that a new...
Rittenhouse Archives has announced the release of sets of trading cards based on Star Trek (2009), and Star Trek into...
For Star Trek comic fans, a new book, New Life and New Civilizations: Exploring Star Trek Comics, will be of...
Star Trek into Darkness' Chris Pine will be starring in The Line. The Line is a thriller written by Sang...
For fans of Christopher L. Bennett's Star Trek books, good news, as the author has announced that two more books...
Star Trek #29 will be released tomorrow, but readers can see a preview of the issue today. Written by Mike...
Star Trek into Darkness' Benedict Cumberbatch has signed to star in Blood Mountain. Cumberbatch will take on the role of...
Simon and Schuster Books Editor Margaret Clark has provided an update on the Star Trek book schedule for 2014 and...
Roberto Orci spoke briefly about possible story ideas for Star Trek 3. In an interview with Orci, the writer was...
If George Takei had his way, the ongoing feud between the actor and William Shatner would be ended now. The...