For those who never got around to purchasing the original Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD release, the series is...
In an interview with MTV, J.J. Abrams spoke about Klingons in Star Trek into Darkness, and about the role of...
This week, two new IDW Publishing Star Trek comics will debut, and fans can have a peek at the issues...
A short featurette has been released promoting Star Trek into Darkness, with comments by J.J. Abrams, Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine...
Zachary Quinto is at ease as he waits for Star Trek into Darkness to release. Trek fans may be nervous...
A new motion poster for Star Trek into Darkness has been released. The poster features John Harrison looking out over...
For fans of the TNG episode The Best of Both Worlds, the two-part episode will be appearing in theaters this...
Two Star Trek comics will hit stores this May; one featuring the crew from Star Trek into Darkness, and the...
Fort Lauderdale resident Johnnie Blade decided to play the Klingon in the middle of a residential intersection, wielding a Klingon...
For those in the Los Angeles area, a Star Trek tribute art show will open this Saturday, and a Star...
Zoë Saldana is to be one of the presenters at this month's 2013 Film Independent Spirit Awards. The Spirit Awards...
A day after Internet users were asked to help name the fourth and fifth moons of Pluto, one of William...
A new line of Star Trek collectibles will be released during the second quarter of 2013. The collectibles, introduced by...
William Shatner recently gave his tongue-in-cheek opinion regarding the news that J.J. Abrams will be directing Star Wars. "I was...
Star Trek's John Cho and wife Kerri Higuchi welcomed their second child recently, a little girl. Cho and Higuchi were...