Concept art for Dorothy of Oz has been released, including a picture of Tugg, the character voiced by Star Trek:...
Cast & Crew
Leonard Nimoy won't be returning to Star Trek or other acting, but was merely borrowing a line from Arnold Schwarzenegger...
William Shatner, at the Banff World Television Festival to receive a lifetime achievement award, showed a more serious side of...
William Shatner will be directing The Captains, a feature documentary to air in Canada in the winter of 2011. The...
Leonard Nimoy was once worried about Zachary Quinto taking on the role of Spock. William Shatner's concerns from an earlier...
Anton Yelchin is in talks for a movie reboot and Faran Tahir will be guest-starring on a SyFy show. Yelchin,...
According to Star Trek XI Co-writer Roberto Orci, some fans didn't find Star Trek XI dark enough. Now that Star...
A new animated sequel to The Wizard of Oz is in production, with Star Trek: The Next Generation's Patrick Stewart...
A Star Trek doctor is included on a list of the "10 Classic TV Doctors." The ten doctors, whose names...
On June 15, The International Federation of Trekkers (IFT) will launch their new website, and part of their relaunch includes...
William Shatner support a British Columbia bill to protect wild salmon on British Columbia's west coast. Shatner will call in...
Those curious about why Jeri Ryan appeared as Sonya Blade in a recent Mortal Kombat YouTube video got an answer...
Normally, the only stress involved in going onstage to collect an award happens when one trips on the way up...
Now You See Me, a film about a team of the world's greatest illusionists who just happen to rob banks,...
Deep Roy, the genre actor who portrayed Scotty's sidekick Keenser in Star Trek XI, has his fingers crossed that fans...