William Shatner has signed on to the animated horror film Malevolent. Malevolent is the story of "four siblings who are...
Cast & Crew
Attention, Canadians, tonight William Shatner will be appearing on the Murdoch Mysteries as Mark Twain. Based on the series of...
William Shatner launched another broadside in the long term Shatner-Takei feud. The actor is currently in Australia touring and appearing...
More images and a few videos have emerged from the Dubai shoot of Star Trek Beyond. In one of the...
William Shatner responded to Alex Salmond using the name James T. Kirk recently when traveling. The former First Minister of...
For Walter Koenig, landing a role on Star Trek was very lucky. The actor wasn't even sure after his audition...
A mental evaluation has been ordered for Star Trek: Voyager's Jennifer Lien. Last month, the former actress was arrested indecent...
William Shatner is to be recognized by The Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (SOVAS) in November. The actor will...
Filming for Star Trek Beyond has moved to Dubai, and a press conference was held today at the Burj Al...
There will be twenty-one conventions, shows or appearances in October and November that will feature actors of interest to Star...
Idris Elba spoke briefly about his Star Trek Beyond villain character. Elba will not be a Klingon, but an original...
Fans of both The Big Bang Theory and Wil Wheaton will be glad to hear that the actor will be...
Star Trek Beyond has finished filming in Canada, and production will be heading to Dubai. "That's a wrap on the...
William Shatner will be hosting a "special 50th anniversary celebration for Star Trek alongside other stars from the acclaimed TV...
Leonard Nimoy and Harve Bennett were amongst the late celebrities honored during last night's 67th Primetime Emmys' In Memoriam segment....