Anton Yelchin will take on the role of one of the students in Experimenter, a film about the infamous experiment...
Winona Ryder, Star Trek XI's Amanda Grayson, will be appearing in The Iceman. The Iceman is based on Anthony Bruno's...
The list of nominees for the Seventeenth Annual Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards has been announced, and amongst the nominees...
Winona Ryder, best known to Star Trek fans as Spock's mother in last year's Star Trek movie, will be voicing...
Winona Ryder, seen earlier this year as Spock's mother in Star Trek XI, is in talks to co-star as a...
Spike TV announced the nominees for Scream 2009 and Star Trek XI led the pack with seventeen nominations. The Fourth...
Starting the original series over is a bold move and should breathe new life into the franchise, according to Winona...
While most of Zachary Quinto's scenes made it into the Star Trek XI, some other actors weren't so fortunate. As...
Hollywood PremiereLast night, the stars were out for the Star Trek XI premiere in Hollywood.According to Celebuzz, plenty of celebrities...