October 23 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Farragut Fest

1 min read

Farragut Films, a Star Trek fan film production company, has completed its move to Kingsland, Georgia, and has invited the public to come and see their Star Trek sets.

The event, dubbed Farragut Fest, will be held on December 8 at the new studio in Kingsland (516 W. William Avenue), from ten A.M. to 4 PM.

Farragut Fest will include the studio open house during the day, followed by a screening of the latest Farragut Films episode, The Price of Anything.

The studio open house will feature the standing sets for the film productions, including the bridge, transporter room, shuttlecraft interior, Romulan bridge, sickbay, briefing room and a full curving corridor.

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26 thoughts on “Farragut Fest

  1. When it first debuted in 2007, Starship Farragut started out as something really cool and enjoyable to watch. The first two episodes ‘The Captaincy’ and ‘For Want Of A Nail’ were both well written and entertaining. Especially the animated series episodes ‘The Needs Of The Many’ and ‘Power Source'(despite the unfortunate fact that Vic Mignogna was one of the many voice over artists involved). Even the comic book entry ‘Dearly Departed’ had an interesting plot(despite the fact that the episode’s subplot dealt with the departure of Lieutenant Commander Henry Francis ‘Hank’ Prescott – a subplot which mirrored the real life departure of actor, story editor, and Farragut co-creator Paul R. Sieber). I will even admit, the short Crew Logs segments ‘A Rock And A Hard Place’ and ‘Just Passing Through’ had some moments of entertainment value, despite the fact that controversial science fiction writer Dennis R. Bailey co-authored the latter.

    In aspects, the Northern Virginia based…well, Washington D.C. based Star Trek fan film was off to a good start.

    However, all of that changed in December 2011, after a ‘supposed’ incident at the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma based Star Trek fan film production Starship Ajax. An incident that was documented on both the trek BBS and trekmovie.com BB’s.



    The latter link revealed another incident that makes Bill Shatner’s egotistical reputation look pale in comparison. Aside from having directed an upcoming episode of Star Trek-Phase, Farragut Films’ new business partner, Vic Mignogna released said episode without the permission and authorization of the Phase 2 production staff. An incident that drew even more heat and criticism toward the ethics and the staff of Farragut Films, themselves. An incident where Farragut Films’ direct or indirect involvement in the incidents have brought them nothing but ostracism, huge criticism, controversy, a tarnished reputation, and a lot of unnecessary heat. In some ways, the incidents and the consequences mirror those that were written in the Star Trek – A Time To novel mini-series from 2004.

    Star Trek has always been excellent science fiction when it comes to addressing the social, political, and religious issues of the current times that we live in. It has also been about finding peaceful solutions to misunderstandings. Loosely translated, they have been allegories and morality plays disguised under the creative tracking of science fiction writing.

    It has never been, to the best of my knowledge, used as an excuse to commit immoral and unethical acts of pettiness, artistic jealousy, personal spite, and twisted vindictiveness. Demented acts of homo sapiens who have not clearly evolved for the better. A less than refreshing example of such inexplicit behavior is the upcoming Star Trek fan film series, Star Trek Continues. A blatant rip-off of Star Trek-The Animated series and Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase 2. A series just to fulfill a now twisted desire for Farragut Films’ new business partner to play the role of Captain James T. Kirk, himself. A dream turned into something bad after a failed attempt to do so the first time on the Phase 2 set.

    If Gene Roddenberry were still alive, he would no doubt be quite appalled and disappointed at such juvenile fan boy behavior.

    If the staff at Farragut Films had been certain of the outcome in partnering themselves with an associate of such a controversial and questionable background history, it would have been wise for them to have refrained from a most useless and clearly distasteful experiment.

    No doubt, the Vulcans would find such foolish emotions and unconstructive purposes to be highly illogical.

    If the Farragut Films staff had to do a Star Trek series about Kirk and crew, they could have spared themselves a lot of unnecessary heat and unwanted trouble by setting Star Trek Continues in between TMP and TWOK. NO doubt, such a series set in that semi-explored time period would be most welcomed among Star Trek fans, and no doubt lessen the turmoil and hostility between rival Star Trek fan organizations(be they fan films or otherwise).

    Unfortunately, like the politicians who run Washington DC(again the aforementioned headquarters of Farragut Films)petty bureaucracy, Machavellian webs of deceit, hidden agendas, and corrupted studio politics are not ‘alien’ to an independent fan film production.

    Those types of rigid mentalities once brought the Star Trek franchise to a near end(Rick Berman’s mishandling of the franchise after Roddenberry’s death and the churning out of such mediocrity as Generations, Insurrection, Nemesis, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise). Do we really want to see history repeat itself again with atypical and illogical behavior in the Star Trek fan film community?

    I certainly wouldn’t. There are enough fetid and festering sewers and pigmires on the big and small screens, run by pernicious vermin(who clearly have no comprehension of the English language)in the entertainment industry(i.e. people of such inept, fatous, and inane qualities who often live by tampering with the formulas of successful programs that already work and don’t require any form of re-tooling whatsoever).






    So, for those who continue to enjoy spewing such hatred and resentment toward J.J. Abrams and his efforts in bringing life back into the Star Trek franchise, consider what has been described here. And ask yourself, what is the most unethical?

    Considering all of the controversy and other negative issues that have involved Farragut Films as of late last year and this year, it’s a wonder that CBS/Paramount hasn’t clamped the vices down on this production and had them close shop. Clamped and closed down hard.

    For a film company that claims to be fans of Star Trek and upholding its integrity and ideals in the 21st Century, Farragut Films and their business partner certainly have a strange way of setting such a good and honest example.

  2. No more blah blah blah!!! Unlike Data, I’m sick and tired of all the petty bickering about who’s doing what to whom behind the scenes. This kind of stuff has been going on since the beginning of Trek. Poor old Alexander Courage was appalled when GR suddenly came up with some half-baked lyrics (that have never even been used on any Trek series) and claimed 50% of the royalties for the Star Trek theme. Courage never worked for him again. How’s that for backstabbing? You can go and on about GR vs. Harve Bennett, Shatner counting lines in a script, etc. I’m not against criticism but why don’t we focus on the product? Otherwise, we’re reduced to basing our opinions solely on who’s involved with each production: Oh, wait, that’s X-Trek. X is a jerk, therfore X-trek is bad – QED. Does that sound logical?

  3. Holy god, what a screed. That kind of melodrama belongs on your OWN blog, not TrekToday. I’ve never watched any of Farragut Films’ stuff, and probably never will, so I have no skin in the game. But this place is for fans of TrekToday and that kind of wall of text isn’t necessary or even welcome as far as I’m concerned. If you must post that kind of nonsense, just keep it short and provide a link instead of besmirching this site.

  4. The same could be said for all of the hate spewing toward J.J. Abrams and his staff. That kind of melodramatic nonsense, belongs on private blogs and not TrekToday.

  5. Hehe I don’t disagree. I personally have no problem with the new Star Trek movies, though it feels more like a bunch of actors doing impersonations instead of original performances, but for the most part Star Trek (2009) was entertaining. I can’t speak for the people at Trek Today, but personally I find long diatribes on either side off-putting and I’m sure that’s not what the site owners probably want.

    TrekToday is, however, an excellent site to reminisce about what one loves about Trek as well as having some fun discussions about episodes when they do their retrospectives.

  6. Polaris01313-1 has been grinding his axes and hurling vituperation against folks in the fan film community under a variety of screen names both here and elsewhere for three or four years. He’s gone way past being a bore and is nothing but a nuisance.

  7. Funny, the same could be said about those who have been grinding their axes and hurling vituperation against J.J. Abrams and his staff by the purist Star Trek fan community since 2009. And those comments have gone way past from being borish to nuisance-like. All because his prequel/reboot has affected their ‘precious science fiction classic'(note the sarcasm).

    You can never satisfy a purists ego when it comes to change.

  8. I’d visit, but I’d fear for my wallet. And my ridges. And the shirt on my back.

  9. Why do you keep defending your own actions by pointing to others’ actions which you have already condemned? How does that actually play out in your head? Clearly not through any form of logic known to humans… This article isn’t about JJ Abrams… in fact, since you’re the first comment and nobody else even mentioned JJ Abrams, I’m confused… but not really. You’re the clear definition of a troll. This story was about Farragut Films… and sure, your initial comments were on topic… sort of… But when anyone complains about your comments and their nature and context, you default to defending JJ Abrams and calling out people that disapprove and complain about him… So, which is it? How can you defend your own comments by equating them to the haters of JJ Abrams, and at the same time condemn those that dislike Abrams? It’s one or the other. Either you’re an annoying troll who posts constantly and ad nauseum about the same things where they are usually not germane, or you’re a guy with a grudge who wants to trash someone. Apparently, from your own rule book, trashing JJ Abrams’ vision of Trek isn’t okay. So, why is it okay for you to do it with Farragut Films? The justification can’t be that people complain about Abrams, because when you raise that, you do so by dismissing it… so, one wonders why you don’t accept others dismissing your diatribe…. they’re doing exactly what you want with regard to Abrams, they’re just applying it to you… So, which is it, genius?

  10. Christopher, give it up. You’ve been banned from just about every site where you post this stuff, so now you’re reduced to this. Try to hold on to a shred of self-respect.

  11. I could say the same for the Starship Farragut production concerning their association with a business partner who has obviously done far worse, and I mean way far worse(as in past the point of hurling vituperation), than anything posted in my editorials. Same goes for those who hurl vituperation against Abrams and his staff. Those are the ones who need to hold on to a shred of self-respect .

  12. Ever hear of the following old sayings: What goes around comes around or For every action there is an equal and(sometimes)opposite reaction?

    In the case of Farragut Films, concerning the unethical and controversial issues that involved them….I think the evidence provided in the links speaks for itself. Some serious lines were crossed, courtesy of their new business partner and their own actions or in-actions.

    Regarding the disrespect J.J. Abrams and his staff have been receiving as of late….some of it has gone too far in many postings. A lot of purist fans seem to think that what Abrams did to Star Trek was crossing a huge line. I don’t see breathing new life into a dying franchise as anything as bad or as close as to what Farragut Films and their business partner did late last year and earlier this year.

    I don’t know if this the way to help answer you question, but think of it like this. The dynamics or mechanics concerning these arguments are somewhat similar to the arguments that former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson presented concerning President Bush, the second invasion of Iraq, and 9/11.

    FRED THOMPSON, ACTOR: With all the criticism of our president’s policy on Iraq lately, Americans might ask, What should we do with the inevitable prospect of nuclear weapons in the hands of a murderous and aggressive enemy? Can we afford to appease Saddam, kick the can down the road? Thank goodness we have a president with the courage to protect our country. And when people ask what has Saddam done to us, I ask, what had the 9/11 hijackers done to us — before 9/11?

    If you remove the Bush, Iraq, and 9/11 elements and replace that with Star Trek, the mishandling of the franchise, unethical actions made by Farragut Films and their business partner, and on the other side of the coin, the unnecessary hate diatribes toward Abrams and his staff….well, I think you’ll have your answer.

  13. Or to be more short and precise concerning the latter description, Thank goodness that Abrams did what he did to bring new life to a franchise that was seriously mishandled. And when fans complain what Abrams has done to the name of Star Trek(which is nothing compared to what the other side has done), many should respond in kind complaining about how a Star Trek fan film company could partner up with someone who has a controversial background and committed acts that would tarnish the name of Star Trek. Morally and ethically.

    If fans think that Abrams has done something as bad as the latter, it is no wonder that the Star Trek franchise and fandom has its share of serious problems.

  14. Pay no attention to this guy. He makes these posts anywhere he thinks he can get an audience.

    What would really be nice is if the admin of TrekToday would delete his derogatory posts and ban him for life.

    What do you all think?

  15. Well, I think the same could be said for those who have made derogatory posts against Abrams, Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman. I also think that some people in general, are threatened by honesty. I also think that the reasons why both Star Trek fandom and the franchise have problems is because of Trekkies or Trekkers not practicing what they preach, despite the common interest they have. Nevertheless, I think you get the point.

    To quote posters #116 and #272 from this link –

    “Simple facts are that(the business partner’s name)has possession of footage that is NOT his property and refuses to return it to Phase 2. And Farragut is supporting(the business partner’s name)in this illegal act. Make your own conclusions about the ethics of these people.”

    “The simple fact is that this team(Farragut Films)has made a very questionable decision in working with a known thief. And it IS theft to keep footage that does not belong to you. Period. Full stop. Everybody else involved in this new endeavor may be great guys, but they’re in bed with a skunk, and the stink will stick to them.”

    As I stated before, Starship Farragut started out as something cool and promising. But after all of that nonsense from last year and earlier this year, including and up to associating with someone who committed unethical acts and had a twisted personal agenda against another Star Trek fan film, for reasons that I and other people I have spoken with still find despicable…..well that to me is derogatory in every sense of the word. A sentiment shared by quite a few fans.

    If that isn’t considered derogatory, then I don’t know what is.

  16. You’re only hurting your own position by beating this dead horse so far into the ground. Look at the responses. You’re driving off people who would otherwise agree with you. Take a deep breath. Throttle back a bit. Make your point, then on to the next target.

  17. Restating your whole diatribe rather than addressing the actual point I made… nice try. Care to actually respond to my point? Otherwise, spit in the wind all you want.

  18. Just watched the trailer. Oh look, it’s a high school production of a near-complete ripoff of TNG’s “The Enemy”. Color me unimpressed as well as unbalanced.
    But where do they get all those lovely sets, props and costumes?

  19. The theme from Hell In The Pacific has been used so many times in science fiction – Space:1999, Battlestar Galactica, Enemy Mine, and TNG – that it is not even funny. Then again, what do you expect from a Star Trek fan film company who foolishly allied and associated themselves with the likes of someone with a controversial background and an axe to grand with another Star Trek fan film company. The staff at Farragut Films must be really desperate for new storyline ideas.

    For shame!

  20. Considering the reputation they have developed and the association they made with their new business partner(despite his controversial background), I can’t say that I blame you. God knows I’d be protecting the contents in my wallet and my personal information.

  21. “It’s the only fan film project that I’ve ever been moved to involve myself in, in anything like a major way – I’ve helped out at the edges, so to speak, on shows I enjoy like Intrepid and Farragut – and I’m enormously proud of Exeter and the folks who put it together.”
    – Dennis Bailey

    He happens to enjoy a show whose reputation(like its own production company)has been ruined by a business partner and his very controversial/questionable background?

    Well, now we really know where Dennis Bailey’s priorities and ethics really lie.

    For shame!


  22. Considering what what was revealed about the incident that ‘supposedly’ happened in November of last year(2011)and their association with Vic Mignogna, there are fans who have their suspicions.

  23. Farragut fest will also have dealers room for the first time this year, some with rare Star Trek memorabilia.

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