February 16 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: Renegades Kickstarter

1 min read

Star Trek: Renegades, a new production aimed at bringing Star Trek back to television, has begun production on a professionally-produced television pilot, and fans can help courtesy of a new Kickstarter project.

Star Trek: Renegades is “set a decade after Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant, [and] finds the Federation in a crisis that pushes the heroes to their limits, and explores the darker side of the human psyche.”

Familiar Trek actors will be taking part in Star Trek: Renegades, including Walter Koenig, Tim Russ, Garrett Wang, Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips and Gary Graham. Russ will direct the pilot. The pilot will be co-written and co-produced by Ethan H. Calk.

Star Trek: Renegades will be action oriented, filled with suspense and espionage,” said Sky Conway, producer of Star Trek: Renegades. “All [this] while exploring new worlds, encountering both familiar and new alien species, and boldly going where no Trek has gone before.”

The Kickstarter project for the pilot seeks to raise $200,000 by November 26. Those who contribute $10 or more will receive various gifts, ranging from digital downloads and exclusive web content, to set access and Associate Producer credit in the titles and in IMDB.

To see more about the Kickstarter for Star Trek: Renegades, head to the link located here. More on Star Trek: Renegades can be found here.

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31 thoughts on “Star Trek: Renegades Kickstarter

  1. This is great, it could restart. This is building on a very successful franchise of next generation, deep Space Nine and voyager. This is where we need to continue and maintain a very successful star Trek continuity story. Hopefully somebody at CBS/ paramount don’t be afraid to cash in and make a profit on the millions star Trek fans across the country and internationally.

  2. I really hate to be a nay-sayer, but Paramount will produce a new series when they think it’s going to be profitable. The fan efforts are a fun lark that allows many actors, including those that have participated in prior series, to live out their Trek fantasies, but there is no way on earth Paramount is going to use these projects as the impetus for a new series.

    No, what’s more likely in my mind is that Paramount will continue to look at the impact of J.J.Abrams’s movies and, if the second one does anywhere near the business that the first one did, they might begin talks with J.J.’s TV production unit to begin work on a potential series. I really do believe the keys of the kingdom are in J.J.’s hands right now, at least until he fumbles them into the gutter.

  3. Its a curious rationale for Renegades; but i’m on board (with reservations). I suspect that the pilot label is just double-talk to get around the fan film haters – this is a straight Occupy Star Trek project in direct opposition to what Paramount is doing, designed to appeal to a large audience estranged from the reboot. I like that. The decision to link (basically) the Voyager boys with one of DS9’s darkest creations (S31) is seriously curious, especially after the Trek-inspired Space Command project (which went gangbusters on Kickstarter a few months ago) went in precisely the opposite direction….

    (For the record, my reservations are as follows: Calling something edgy is a fast ride to deletion in my book – it’s a hackwork indicator, almost always – & the complete absence of women in the project disappoints me. I have directed these observations to the relevant people, which is one of the advantages of crowd-funded projects. Backers can have impact before it all goes horribly wrong)

  4. You make an interesting point, about appealing to people estranged by the reboot. It will be interesting indeed to see how well this project does, and how Paramount responds. If they get a lot of support, then regardless of whether Paramount picks up this particular project or not (well let’s be honest, they will not), then Paramount can see in terms of numbers how much support there is for a new prime-timeline project.
    I too will be on board, with the same reservations you have expressed. I think the “edgy” and “action-filled” premise is not only hacky, but possibly too similar in tone to the JJverse. I also have expressed before that “dark, edgy, gritty” is not Roddenberry and not particularly Trek, and should be used carefully and in moderation if you want to keep it a Trek project and not just another Mission Unwatchable wannabee.
    I most certainly want to send the message to Paramount that the post-TNG era is far from dead and that the time has come again to revisit it.

  5. Who who cares about people who were people estranged from the very very successful

  6. Paramount and CBS… Sure, they’re happy and excited at the potential audience JJ Abrams brought in with the last picture… they certainly know, however, that it wasn’t those people that kept their franchise afloat for more than four decades… and, I assure you, anyone upset enough to be considered “estranged” isn’t some new half-wit fan who cannot possibly understand why… they know why… they’ve lived with Trek their entire lives… They were the ones keeping it alive and going. So, yeah, they’re happy to have these new people interested, but I assure you, the last thing they really want is to estrange fans. That’s why, after the fact, they’ve pretended their actions didn’t impact the “prime” universe. I won’t bother arguing the in-continuity problems with that… the point being, they knew not to destroy actual Star Trek with this little diversion…. because, when all is said and done, the actual fans of Star Trek will want to continue with the continuity, characters and universe we’ve invested in for two score years… and when that happens, they’ll be hoping to keep some of Abrams’ fans… but I assure you, they’ll be banking on the longterm Star Trek fans… So, yeah, smartguy, the answers is Paramount and CBS… that’s who cares.

  7. Hiya Kang

    With Renegades achieving 10% of its required budget in a little over a day (right now its closing in on $24k, with almost two months to go), i think Paramount are going to start paying attention to this phenomenom very, very soon. The last few years have been horrendous for the studio bureaucracy. This obsession with bad tent-pole pictures which require gargantuan hype-acts have generated mediocre primary returns & worse secondaries (at best)

    ST XI was strictly an (at best). It was not a hit. It went ok. It didn’t create a new fanbase (it just tapped into the same 13 year fanbois who’ll angrily shrill this week’s schlockbuster so long as it includes plenty of CGI & female cosplay) & only survived on its ability to bring back the hardcore fanbase with the return of Mr Nimoy. ST XII has no such draw; & Paramount has been battling with a fanbase revolt for more than a year. Now its is seeing that same fanbase – the one which still watches the ten primary films & the five live-action series (TAS is generally NLA) making it rain for Renegades (& before it, Space Command; &, perhaps, the next ST-inspired Kickstarter project, Odyssey – also with Manu Intiraymi); & they know that this is money which won’t be going into their offshore accounts & they’re wondering why. &, deep down, they’ll know the answer – that Renegades & Space Command (&, perhaps, Odyssey) are responding to an audience which used to be their’s & isn’t anymore….

    … & they’ll struggle to work out how they can get a piece of this action; & they’ll almost certainly fail because of the one big difference between studio hype & crowd-funded projects. If you sell to the crowd – a mob of self-righteous media activists with plenty of cash but little patience – you have to listen to them. Even worse, you can’t just listen to them – you actually have to take their objections on board. We’re buying what WE want – not what YOU want

    Renegades is a case in point. Its already been hit by criticism (both public & private) of the lack of women in the project & has promised to fix that ASAP. There’s not much they can do about the edgy nonsense given the nature of the project (an upbeat S31? yeah…); but i’m betting the next one will be much more visionary & less mercenary. They’ve heard. They have to hear

    (… & what are das wunderkinds behind ST XII doing about similar criticisms? Issuing more & more hysterical EPKs…)

    It won’t be long before Paramount will be tapping into the crowdfunding successes to take over their studio programmes; & for while all will be happy in entertainmentland. Then this new studio command will then grow fat & bloated again; & be replaced by the next batch of Klingon warriors. & so it goes

    Good luck to these guys. Live long & learn. & good luck to the schmucks who have to sell ST XII to this crowd. They’re gonna need it….

  8. Speaking of the Space Command series, the latest update has the EMH mark 1 (Robert Picardo) now attached to the series, joining Armin Shimmerman & Ethan Phillips (& non-Trek queens Sybill Danning & Amber Benson) on board. This pleases me; & may please you

  9. One additional point. I don’t think this audience is just saying that the TNG era lives – they’re saying that they want the kinds of stories told during the the TNG/DS9/Voy (even ENT) era, not the tentpole circuses that are drowning out the multiplex. Subtle difference

  10. People are supposed to be paid for doing their jobs. And when a big company’s not paying them, the people they’re entertaining are supposed to pay them.

  11. It wasn’t “after the fact” AT ALL. They explicitly stated in the film it was an alternate universe, and in the Countdown comics they produced BEFORE the movie, the prime universe continued to exist even after Spock and Nero went back through time. The “estranged” Trek fans seriously annoy me. I love the Prime universe, I’ve seen every single episode at least five times. But it takes some serious cognitive dissonance to believe all that was wiped out by Abrams’ film. Especially considering how beloved the Mirror Universe episodes were. It’s like all of a sudden you all decided to ignore that alternate universes have been a STAPLE of Star Trek ever since “Mirror Mirror” aired forty years ago. Paramount could easily continue the films in the alternate universe and simultaneously air a series set in the Prime universe, and no real Trek fan is going to be confused (unless he chooses to be), as long as either the series or the films acknowledge the existence of the alternate universe.

  12. For the record, Abrams & Paramount made it clear that they considered the prime universe wiped out by ST XI when the film originally came out; & it wasn’t until the fanbase continued to buy the books, comics & other paraphenalia related to the original set of shows that the backsliding began….

    … but as i said to Kang, this prime universe argument is a bit of a red herring. It isn’t that the secondary universe exists which is the problem – the Mirror Universe appeared in TOS, DS9 & ENT; & TNG & VOY also referenced alternative realities (as did Tim Russ’s Of Gods & Men for that matter) – it’s the fact that ST XI didn’t capture the fanbase with its mostly mediocre cast & passionless storytelling. People saw Leonard play Spock one last time & were happy; but a large slab of these people looked with greater fondness to TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY & ENT after seeing the damn film, because even at their worst, these shows told real stories. ST XI didn’t. JJ Abrams doesn’t. Instead of a film, we knew were being fed a line of post-modern consumer items by & for the kind of nongs who consider Galaxy Quest the greatest ST film ever made; & we ‘the estranged aren’t buying it

    The problem for Paramount (& the studios behind subsequent fiascos such as A Princess on Mars, Battleship & even the underachieving Avengers CGI, all of which almost make ST XI look like a masterpieces in comparison) is that these estranged fans are no longer restricted to waiting for a ST XII which doesn’t interest them – they can choose to go to Kickstarter to support things more in tune with their tastes. Hence the panic of press releases….

    (When LARRY NEMECEK of all people wonders about the lack of buzz over the production of ST XII, you know there’s a problem with loss of expectation)

    Honestly, the Space Command movies sound more to my taste than Renegades – more up-tempo for one thing; & i like the fact that they’re doing something in the tradition of Star Trek rather than mucking about in legal limbo – but i’ve taken out my credit card for Renegades because i like the people in it; & because the rules of crowdfunding mean that backers can mould the final product with their feedback. Don’t know where Odyssey will fall but i’ll bet they’re watching closely, too (they’re already sounding out known offenders such as myself, looking for support). Unless something unexpectedly soulful is revealed about the film in the meantime, i won’t be opening it for ST XII. I may watch it on pay tv (mostly to see how much air time they give Simon Pegg, the only person in the cast i consistently pay to watch – his wonderful Paul has more Trek in any two frames than ST XI has in the whole picture) – but then again, i might not

  13. I specifically said I didn’t want to get into this… but since you seem to really want it, okay… I’m not going to debate how the writers and producers felt and what their intention was beneath the surface. I don’t need to do so, as Trek itself is what backs up my point. So, let’s get into it. Can you give me a single instance in the entire, nearly 50 year, history of Star Trek where someone has time travelled outside their own timeline? I’m not asking for instances of alternate realities. I’m asking for instances of alternate realities accessed through time travel. One example? Here’s a hint: You won’t be able to, because that’s not how time travel works in Star Trek. On the contrary, I can, right now, off the top of my head, provide you with at least 5 to 10 examples of time travel that is inherently within ones own timeline. So, in the movie, they present Spock and Nero returning to the past. What caused them to switch universes? And if they did switch universes, why are they talking about changes apparent to Spock Prime? Why would Spock Prime have any knowledge about anything in that universe. You brought up the Mirror Universe, and indeed, that is an alternate reality… and if Spock had been sent back in time within that reality, would anyone look to him as to how things are supposed to be? Yet, in this film, they’re clearly presenting that the death of Kirk’s father etc weren’t supposed to happen. Really? We don’t know that. According to you, we’ve never seen this reality before, so why is Spock Prime remotely worthwhile? The answer is that they’re trying to have their cake and eat it too. They’ve suggested that by going back in time Spock created an offshoot universe… And again, that’s not how that works. For every moment of existence, there are an infinite number of possible choices and outcomes to be had. For each action, a new quantum universe is created wherein every action ever possible was done in one universe or another. This is most easily witnessed in the TNG episode Parallels, where Worf travels between increasingly divergent timelines before he is restored to his own. However, that’s not possibly what we’re dealing with here. They’ve suggested that Spock Prime went back in time within his own timeline, but, once he and Nero reached the past, the changes they do result in an alternate universe… sorry, again, not how it works. Why, if that’s how it worked, did Bones not create a new quantum reality when he saved Edith Keeler? Why did it wipe out the entire existence of his universe in the future if he’d gone to the past, changed things, and thus created an alternate reality… sure, he did, just like Spock Prime did… and just like it wiped out everything by saving Keeler, it wiped out everything by the actions of Spock and Nero. I’m not saying that because that’s what I want… but nowhere in that movie was it explained why it would’ve been an alternate past rather than an altered past. Certainly it’s an altered past, much like the Borg assimiliating Earth in the past… it appeared to the Enterprise crew through the chronoton effect before they went back after them… that wasn’t an alternate reality, but it was an altered reality… and there’s no reason to believe, in continuity or not, that they not only time traveled, but also left their native quantum reality. Was all this avoidable by a single line suggesting he’d already left his quantum reality when he and Nero arrived? Yup. Did it include such a line? Nope. The impact? Well, I’m still waiting to hear an example ever before happening of both time travel and transferring to a different quantum reality… Or, even, an explanation that this was anything more than an altered reality as opposed to an alternate timeline. Without just calling names or saying how disappointed you are in a fan like me… care to actually defend, with in continuity points, your position?

  14. Just to develop your point, Mike, the only way that the interference of Spock & Nero doesn’t erase the prime universe is if they weren’t from it in the first place (ie, they changed a third timeline rather than the prime universe). Given the level of hackdom involved in ST XI, i’m expecting this exciting twist to appear as a plot device any film now….

    Darrin is right on one thing, though – there’s nothing to stop Paramount relaunching tv Trek in some version of the prime universe even if the films continue to live in the secondary reality. The two media have become (at least in their minds) completely separate markets; & they may try this as a way of keeping the core fanbase happy while being free to target the 13 year old fanboi in the cinemas….

    (Abrams would probably hate the dual approach; but – fortunately – he won’t to be part of any future ST tv project… the studio was smart enough to only buy his dubious wisdom for films)

    The trouble remains the story-telling, of course. You can set a new ST show in the prime universe; but if its still the edgy BS of ST XI, the fans will remain estranged from it. I’d need to see the cast & the concept to decide; & hear a few less self-serving hypocrisies from the producers. As a Niner, i’m a great fan of Ira Behr; but when he said recently that he would like to work with the DS9 characters but wasn’t worried if they were played by the same actors, he lost me completely….

  15. This is probably one of the most interesting list of comments I’ve come across on TrekToday! RobClements, you make a lot of sense as do most of the other commenters. I’m personally excited by the crowd funding approach because of the lack of studio involvement. As has been inferred throughout, the studios have kinda stuffed a lot up lately with their tentpole mega million dollar films. I can’t say I’m super excited about the premise of Renegades, though I have also forked out some money to see it made.
    My major concern is that there be some level of adherence to Gene Roddenberry’s ideal. I don’t watch Star Trek to see the Trekverse slide into a gritty ugly place or to show the darkest heart of humanity like the Battlestar Galactice reboot did so beautifully. God that was a good show! I watch Star Trek for good stories, relatable characters (despite the futuristic setting and situations), to have my views challenged by insightful scripts and for the theme that humanity can and will be better.
    With that said, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is my favourite Trek. I loved TNG, I adore Janeway which kept me watching Voyager, and by season three of ENT I was hooked. Whatever REN becomes, I hope it keeps Gene’s vision. DS9 got dark in places and it worked, but Sisko and Co. upheld the vision of Roddenberry (Starfleet/the UFP), and made it even more poignant with the various clashes that would happen between characters like Sisko and Kira, Odo and Sisko, Quark and everyone. Even better, it gave us Dukat, Weyoun, Kai Winn and Garek. These were deeply flawed characters that entertained and provoked and challenged our heroes to stick to their ideals despite what might be easiest or most convenient. While it added in mysticism and faith – things Gene wasn’t big on – it did so in a way that did not detract from the vision or betray the ideal. It did it in a way that expanded upon it and enhanced Gene’s universe in a positive way. It somehow seemed to make the Trekverse seem more real and well rounded and though I never met Gene, I think he would’ve been okay with that.
    I’ll be advocating to the REN guys for more female characters as the lack pisses me off, and I’ll also be reminding them that Star Trek is a vision as much as an entertainment property, and that the vision is grounded in an aspiration to be better humans.
    If they stay true to us, the fans, they’ll attract the attention they want, though I agree with others – I can’t see Paramount or CBS picking it up, but rather taking the essence and developing something of their own.

  16. Thanks Jarryd. I think in some ways the people behind Renegades misread the audience – pretty much in the same way Paramount & JJ Abrams did. I suspect they thought the ST XI approach was broadly right but that the execution in details were wrong but the correspondence in various media seems to be disillusioning them of this. That’s the difference between Paramount & a crowd-funded projects – people like the Renegades team pretty much have to listen to their backers whether they want to or not because they lack an over-funded hype machine (the only way they get promoted is through the enthusiasms of the mob). Which is no doubt why the lack of women in the picture is already being addressed; & why i’m sure that the sorry self-praise edgy will be softened both in this film & in future projects

    Curious to see how this debate effects Odyssey, the next project on the Kickstarter horizon. Manu is someone who talks as if he likes edginess (i’ve noticed that its an aesthetic which appeals more to the people who create it than those who pay to watch it); but i’m sure i’m not the only drawing this team’s attention to the current debate….

  17. Great analysis, Mike. A bit complex though. But I’d say you’re right. Alteration of the timeline is not synonymous with creation of an alternate reality (at least not in Star Trek universe). Either you are dealing with parallel realities (multiverse) or you are dealing with one reality having its own timeline. That’s what you are saying, right? So, any alteration of the timeline must by definition be the alteration of THE timeline, i.e. of the one and only reality of the current universe. This so called reboot, however, would want us to think and believe that by altering the actual timeline Spock and his crazy friend Nero created an “alternate universe/reality” (?). As you said, sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Well, it does if you accept that anything goes.

  18. But if you accept that anything goes, then we may as well just be watching Doctor Who. But yeah, you’ve got it basically right. Now, that’s not to say that time travel and the multiverse are mutually exclusive. They are not. The multiverse still exists, but within the infinite varieties, only one is the universe we’ve been watching. So, yes, with every action a new spinoff universe has been created, but each new creation is divergent from the others. So, while in some universe out there, Kirk finds Khan and Khan kills him during the events of Space Seed, in our universe, that isn’t what happened… And going back in time, if one were to change the past and have Kirk be killed by Khan, you wouldn’t be switching us into that universe, you’d be rewriting this one… that’s the nature of changing the timeline as opposed to exiting your universe for one where that was inherently the way things were. For instance, in First Contact, we see a regular Earth, an assimilated Earth, and then, although we don’t see it, we have a regular Earth that is just slightly different than the one that had originally existed. The timeline was rewritten. The Borg didn’t go back in time, change the past, create a new timeline, and go about their business. Obviously (obvious because we see it happen), the timeline therein is rewritten. Enterprise goes back, fixes things as best they can to ensure First Contact itself, and go back to the future. But those Borg were there. It’s not like Enterprise caused the event not to happen. That’s how Borg could show up for Archer. The universe had slightly changed. Another prime example is Yesterday’s Enterprise. The whole point of that episode was that the sacrifice of the crew of Enterprise-D was necessary to save the crew/ship of Enterprise-C to send them “home” and restore the timeline… but again, restore is a tricky word. Prior to the events of Yesterday’s Enterprise, there was no Sela. Afterward, there was. It’s not a different universe. Just like the flash that replaced Worf with Yar in the first place, when the timeline again reset, it reset to what it now was… which was a world where Tasha Yar had returned to the past and given birth. A different universe? Nah… just an altered timeline. So, yes, the multiverse and time travel can coexist without impacting each other, as each native universe has its own identity. But the two shouldn’t be confused. You can travel between dimensions/quantum realities/universes, and you can time travel. It’s just in the entire history of Trek, the two have never both been done… afterall, what would be the point? Alternate universes are illegitimate in terms of their reality to our characters… usually when you involve one it’s simply as a means of stranding your protagonist away from everything they’ve known in order that you showcase small or large differences as a means of highlighting something in the real timeline… Spending larger amounts of time and effort in an alternate reality seems rather fruitless. After all, while the Mirror Universe is somewhat entertaining to visit, would you ever want us stranded there permanently?

  19. Uh, Robert? I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with your assessment on a few points.

    “ST XI was strictly an (at best). It was not a hit.”
    Really. 385+ million return on a 150 million budget? Yes, that’s a hit. It was also very favorably reviewed all around.

    “It didn’t
    create a new fanbase…”
    younger people (and by that I mean younger than myself, which is in the Yoda/Methuselah range, all you 30-year-olds are kids to me) not only went to see it, but started watching the other movies and shows, and even (Gasp!) joining fan forums.

    “…only survived on its ability to bring back the hardcore fanbase
    with the return of Mr Nimoy”
    I do hate to break this to you, but we Trekkies (or whatever badge you prefer) are a niche audience; small, though vocal. We can make or break a 20, 40, even 60 million dollar film, but we are not the deciding majority when the budget rises above that level.

    I’ve already stated that JJTrek is far from perfect, and gone into my own problems with it in other posts. All I am saying here is that the bashing of the 2009 film (Star Trek ELEVEN, thank you very much), is not particularly justified on these points.

    However, departure from the Roddenberry vision, blatant disregard for scientific accuracy, and trashing of established Trek canon remain fair game. My hopes were that those areas would be strengthened in Start Trek TWELVE, but I already have the sinking feeling that the opposite will end up being the case, and all the good things about Star Trek ELEVEN that gave me hope will be flushed down the TF:ROTF toilet.

  20. A couple of clarifications, Kang (i’ve talked too much)

    Regarding budget you forgot marketing. Unstated (never officially admitted) but likely to be at least the same as the production budget (that’s the usual rule of thumb). Instead of $385m on $150m, think $385m on $300m+. With other hidden costs accounted for, this would be a success but not a hit. Part of the reason ST XII was delayed, no doubt. If XI had been

    Re: the new fanbase: Why then was there so little buzz over the production of ST XII? Not all of this was the indifference of old grouches. The rod Paramount created for itself is that it targetted a demographic for ST XI doesn’t exist right now – the 13-16 year old kids who were watching each week’s tent-pole picture then. By & large, that’s a different group of kids to the ones who are watching each week’s tentpole picture now. That a few of those kids became fans isn’t denied; but Abrams’ brief was to create a broad new fanbase which would carry the franchise into a new generation. I’d argue from the observations that he failed. ST XI gained an extra buzz from having Nimoy in a positive role – the old grouches kept promoting it for free. But it isn’t happening this time….

    (Renegades has hit $43k by the way)

  21. I sincerely hope you’re right, Robert. Despite there being a number of years between the last episode of the BSG re-imagining and now, it’s edgy, dark and characters brimming with flaws influence is still inspiring(?) unwise attempts to duplicate it’s success. It’s as if the “creative” types doing sci-fi these days feel they need to replicate that amazing show – without actually realising the theme won’t necessarily transition effectively and the simple fact a knock off is just a knock off regardless of the brand name it carries.
    Star Trek isn’t Battlestar, and as much as I loved Moore’s vision and own and constantly rewatch all the episodes of BSG, as a fan I don’t want that for Star Trek. Complicated stories like we found on DS9 which pushed our Starfleet guys to the edge – yes. The human spirit and why the Federation deserved to exist shone through in those moments, but selfishly I do want the idealism of Star Trek’s vision to be forefront in anything that bears Trek’s name. I know human beings can be crap, if I wanted to watch that particular reality I’d be hooked on soap operas and the banality of reality TV. Don’t lose that idealism. Wanky? Maybe! :o)
    It’s great to see the gender balance issue being addressed and thank you to your voice and everyone else’s for seeing to that. I’m hoping you and the rest of us keep the gentle nudges going in the right direction!
    I’m happy this is a crowd-funded endeavour, because I think you’re right, it does sound like they’re listening to us. It’s almost like those amazing days when JMS used to interact with B5 fans and take on board our thoughts as he crafted his five-year masterpiece (okay, 4.5 year masterpiece – the first half of season 5 probably shouldn’t be counted – and RIP Michael O’Hare).
    Dear Renegades Peeps: Please now go and redesign the damn ship. It’s like a Klingon Bird of Prey had sex with the Defiant. Two ships that were beautiful seperately, but make for one fugly thing when smashed together! And make Walter Koenig smile… just once. I dare you!

  22. Odd that i was never a fan of the BSG reboot. I could appreciate it – it was brilliantly made – but there was an emptiness in the material which always kept me offside, part from the original material (which was borderline camp), part from the determination to take this material absolutely seriously (which i couldn’t). This inconsistency seems to me to be a pretty good first draft definition of edge

    In other crowdfunding news, DS9’s Chase Masterson & the team behind the wonderful Yesterday Was a Lie have re-upped their RUR Genesis project. THIS is a project i really hope gets made. No edge, but plenty of Chase. I read Capek’s play (full title: Rossum’s Universal Robots – & yes, this IS where we get the word – from robotu, the Czech for serf) a generation ago; & while its no masterpiece, it’s a story filled with interesting ideas. Won’t link directly in respect for the guidelines here – hopefully TrekToday will carry a promo shortly – but a search on IndieGoGo will find it. Or you can contact me via twitter & i’ll send you the details

    (Standard disclaimers apply. No financial links beyond being a paying supporter)

    With regards


  23. Exactly. Those are all good examples which further prove the point that what we are currently dealing with in Trek is, as you said, altered timeline, and not “alternate” timeline. Which is clearly a violation of the Temporal Prime Directive. 🙂

  24. Will check it out! Thanks. Chase is someone I hope they’ll have on Renegades!
    And yes, the BSG Reboot did have a little less heart and soul than I would have liked too, but I admit I fell in love with the arc and by season 3 was an addict! I’m personally hoping Bryan Singer’s shot at BSG goes ahead because I’m not finished with that Universe yet – and the fanboy in me wants to see a continuation of the original 70s show (minus Galactica 1980).

  25. I think you’ll like RUR. The play is an artefact but filled with interesting ideas (you can read it & War of the Newts in legal, unrestricted translations at http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/capek/karel/); & Kerwin did a great job with the similarly ideas-driven Yesterday was a Lie. Given the Russ/Masterson past, i’m actually a little surprised Chase ISN’T attached to Renegades already; but perhaps the dual commitment of getting RUR up & this “mystery project” she’s shooting right now may be keeping her out. Hopefully that’ll change. She’s a stylish actress & a wonderful person

    On the other hand….

    Oh, beep, not ANOTHER reboot

    Don’t get me wrong – i quite like Singer’s work, generally… if accurately described, his ST revival proposal (rejected in favour of Abrams’ marketing division) was something worth waiting for – but i’m tired of the corporate laziness which finds nothing tedious in rebooting the same beeping project more times than i’ve had hot feeds. Tell me he’s creating something new in the tradition of BSG or ST or B5 (or whatever) & i’m on board immediately; but this idea fills me with all the passionate enthusiasm i usually restrict for ancient mariners who shoot the albatross. I want to run faster than a speeding slug, leap tall daffodils with a single bound & generally overkill this metaphor of total indifference with a thesaurus of misplaced similes; & still can’t communicate in all its Klingon intensity the antagonism i feel right now


  26. I do get paid for doing my job… but then I don’t go out and say “Hey general public, please pay me to do what I want.”

  27. http://startrekrenegades.com/?page_id=130

    Someone once said that those who fail to learn from history are often doomed to repeat it.

    First, Fred Freiberger made some serious errors in judgement during the third season of the original Star Trek.

    Second, in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, Star Trek ended up going through a period of franchise fatigue. A period caused by the mismanagement of the science fiction franchise at the hands of Rick Berman and the former executive staff at Paramount Pictures. Certain elements that contributed to this period involved the recycling of the same old story plots for the unnecessary Star Trek spin-offs: Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Others involved the DS9 staff stealing ideas from its sci-fi rival Babylon 5, in order to help boost their own show’s declining ratings.

    Third, the writers for the prequel series Enterprise, did not do their homework when it came down to historical research for the sake of series continuity.

    Studio greed and taking way too many trips to the well can often lead to a franchise being milked dry. Let alone having run its course.

    Fortunately for Star Trek fans, the noble, highly commendable, admirable, and brilliantly professional efforts of James Cawley and J.J. Abrams(along with their respective production companies and staff)breathed new life and energy into Star Trek after that long period. The results being the highly successful internet series Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase 2 and the 2009 box-office smash hit prequel/reboot.

    It has also helped spawn other successful series such as Starship Exeter, the UK based Starship Intrepid, Starship Ajax, and the soon to be released Star Trek-Axanar.

    Unfortunately, certain production companies, run by corrupted individuals with redneck mentalities, have tried to take advantage of these successful productions and twist and pervert them into something that is totally the opposite of all of the hard work, professionalism, ethics, and standards that Gene Roddenberry, James Cawley, and J.J. Abrams have helped establish and continue with the legendary science fiction series.

    Farragut Films is one of those production companies.

    And now, Farragut Films new business partner, one Vic Mignogna, is now involved in another Star Trek fan film series. One that is also destined to be, like the upcoming Star Trek Continues series, a huge flop.






    Made in association with Sky Conway(who released the Star Trek fan film Of Gods And Men), Star Trek – Renegades(like DS9 and Voyager)is another clear sign of the Star Trek franchise being milked dry for all of its worth.

    As to why Walter Koenig(who brought a sense of closure to the character of Chekov by saying good-bye in the P2 episode To Serve All My Days), Gary Graham, Tim Russ, Richard Herd, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picaro, and Garrett Wang are being a part of this twisted farce, it is hard to say. To be honest, it is beyond me.

    One thing is an absolute given. Sky Conway has definitely earned a place in the category of those who wish to tarnish the good name of Star Trek. Right up there with Fred Freiberger, Rick Berman, Ronald Moore, Brannon Braga, Vic Mignogna, John Broughton, Michael Bednar, Dennis Bailey, and the rest of Farragut Films.

    Honestly, it’s bad enough that the world is in such a shambolic state. Do we really need to see Star Trek go through such a fate a second time? At the hands of malcontents who have no sense of honesty, integrity, and decency, whatsoever?

    I think not!

    Star Trek is supposed to be about resolving problems and issues in a decent, respectful, and peaceful sort of fashion. It is not about twisting, tarnishing, and perverting it into something petty and contemptuous.

    Starship Farragut, Star Trek Continues, and Star Trek Renegades are clearly signs of such misuse, negativity and a waste of constructive purposes. They have already tarnished their reputations and careers by associating themselves with Mignogna and his toxic, narcicisstic, controversial and unethical history.

    Star Trek and its legacy are nothing of those negative qualities.

    Stick with Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase 2. The ONLY Star Trek fan film that has professional acting and movie/television experience. More importantly, the positive ideals and qualities set forth by Gene Roddenberry back in the mid-1960’s. Including and up to honesty and integrity that will last into the 23rd Century and Beyond!

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