September 13 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

TPTB To Shatner: Shhh!

2 min read


Days after confirming that he had been in touch with J.J. Abrams regarding a part in Star Trek 3, William Shatner is told to hush up about Star Trek 3.

At first, Shatner had been told to keep quiet about the original call. “Here’s my dilemma,” he said. “I was cautioned not to speak about this and the next day it was out all over Twitter.

Figuring that the cat was out of the bag, Shatner spoke about the news at a Trek convention last week. “So I get back from Australia, and it is all over the internet that the director held an interview and said they wanted Shatner and Nimoy to be in the next movie,” he said. “I bet J.J. is frothing at the mouth.”

After this, someone got back in touch with Shatner. “So I talked about it,” he said; “and then I get another phone call telling me to keep quiet again! All I can say is that I’m very excited about the film.”

Over at TrekMovie, Roberto Orci addressed concerns about Shatner’s role being “meaningful” and not just a drop-in to please or attract the old-school fans. “I would never waste my hero’s time,” he said. “Must be worthy of them if you’re gonna go for it.”

Orci also dismissed claims that Shatner was too old to appear as Kirk again. “Shatner looks amazing,” he said. “He is so full of life. I hope he can give us some of his secrets!”

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10 thoughts on “TPTB To Shatner: Shhh!

  1. …Orci also dismissed claims that Shatner was too old to appear as Kirk again. “Shatner looks amazing,” he said. “He is so full of life. I hope he can give us some of his secrets!”…
    It’s called Andorian ale.

  2. I suppose it’s possible that in the new alternate timeline he didn’t get stuck in the Nexus and thus die in the 24th century. Maybe he retired and grew older in the alternate timeline. The only problem is that suggests another time travel story if it involves a future version of an older Kirk…. hmmm.

  3. The secret’s safe; it turns out Shatner will actually just be playing a guy named John Harrison.

  4. Ah, that’s only the rumor/denial until opening day. Shatner will turn out to be Kirk when we finally see the movie.

  5. So they don’t have a meaningful reason to put him in the movie… but they want to create a reason that is meaningful. So this contradicts the possibility that any appearance of Shatner is the next movie could ever ACTUALLY be meaningful.

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