January 23 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Pegg Co-writing Star Trek 3

1 min read


In addition to taking on the role of Scotty in Star Trek 3, Simon Pegg will also have a hand in shaping the script for the sequel.

Pegg will be co-writing along with Doug Jung, creator of TNT’s Dark Blue series.

Pegg is not unfamiliar with writing, having written for other movies such as Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World’s End and Paul.

Jung has written for Bad Robot and Paramount before, which is how he came to their attention.

Thanks to Dayton W. for the tip!

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54 thoughts on “Pegg Co-writing Star Trek 3

  1. After the last 2 Star Trek movies I wasn’t holding out much hope for the third. Now I have no hope. What a great team to bring us a 50th anniversary Star Trek movie.

  2. I agree. Doug Jung and Simon Pegg writing the 50th anniversary movie. Wow. Ive completely given up on this one. Cant wait for Trek to get back on tv and be done with this rendition.

  3. don’t recall saying you shouldn’t see it chumbawamba. Enjoy the hell out of it for all I care.

  4. My understanding is that Simon Pegg is one of the actual TOS fans in the cast; maybe he’ll be able to produce a decent script.

  5. Just when you thought Paramount couldn’t push that knife into the Trekkie heart any deeper…

  6. If we are lucky, this will get scrapped and CBS will give us a a really good TV movie instead. Better yet a mini series. I know people want a whole TV show, but baby steps people! ๐Ÿ˜€ Trek doesn’t need to be on the big screen, it just needs to be good.

  7. Word is that this one involves going back in time to find extinct humback whales. But in a surprise plot twist, our crew has to kill all of the whales they find in the 20th century (with really cool cgi explosions) in order to save the future. Also, Spock and Uhura get elected homecoming king and queen after revealing that they are zombies. Rumor has it that Vin Diesel will be appearing as Nomad and Mark Wahlberg as the Horta. I can’t wait!

    Navin R Johnson 250bigones

  8. I’m with you. It’s pretty bad when we are clamoring for a TV movie rather than this stuff.

  9. So, “The Fast and The Furious” director is teaming with the writer of “Paul” to make Star Trek now??

    We are so removed from “The Inner Light” and “City on the Edge of Forever” its not even Star Trek anymore.

  10. Star Trek is bigger than you, and your own personal likes.

    For example, I view “real star trek” as “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, “In the Pale Moonlight”, “Best of Both Worlds”, “Cause and Effect”, “Tapestry”, “Duet”, “Past Tense”, “Far Beyond the Stars”, etc.

    That doesn’t make your own personal bias toward ToS any less valid, but it is merely a grain of sand in an hour glass filled with other trek fans that have OTHER likes of the various series than you did.

  11. Never said it wasn’t, it was just obvious based on the two episodes that he named that he is a fan of the original ToS style of writing. Nothing wrong with that, but as you know there are 5 trek series that each have either one or multiple styles of writing throughout hundreds of episodes each. Many people swear by ToS style writing, but personally it never appealed to me. DS9 is my favorite trek, but I would never get ragey or butthurt over a new trek series/movie not mimicking my own personal favorite trek’s writing style.

  12. Pegg’s great in his own movies. However, making Scotty a goofball was a seriously bad mistake. So, I guess now we’ll know for sure whether he’s been made a goofball based on Pegg’s own input, or he’s just playing it out the way he’s been told. I suspect the former.

    But then, Scotty being the comic relief is just a tiny, tiny part of what’s wrong with these movies…

  13. You got it wrong. I’m citing just two basic, well-known examples of intelligent, compelling Science Fiction stories within the Canon. I would certainly include each episode you listed in that general category too, Fei Fong Wong. All fine episodes for sure! To read a “slant” toward TOS is overthinking, sir, particularly since “The Inner Light” is a TNG production through-and-through. I guess being a DS9 fan whom TOS “never appealed to” made you respond as you did! Have a great day!

  14. Based on your response, mainly your backhanded insult aimed at me being a DS9 fan and not a ToS fan, it is fairly obvious that my initial assessment of you was absolutely correct and this is another case of an old-timer whining about how everything was better “back in his day”. Have a great day living in 1966!

  15. Please, no… a comedian and the “Dark Blue” creator? Sigh. Guess it can’t get any worse than the first two.

  16. Indeed, and he must not have watched much TOS to believe that it has a single style of writing – “City on the Edge of Forever” โ‰  “The Doomsday Machine” โ‰  “The Trouble With Tribbles” โ‰  “The Way to Eden”, etc.

  17. My cutting-edge-for-its-time-sci-fi-show-that-ended-during-the-last-century is better than your cutting-edge-for-its-time-sci-fi-show-that-ended-during-the-last-century.

  18. Not that the previous two NuTrek films weren’t crapfests enough already, this next one promises to be a real POS.

  19. With a script by Simon Pegg? They share the “eff you” attitude toward the public, so yes, it could.

  20. Now I know I won’t see it. They had a real opportunity to continue to do well with the course they started to set in the 2009 reboot, but it’s all gone to pot since then. They should let the franchise rest until someone else can come along with fresh ideas and do something better. When you keep going from confusing news, to flat out lies (Khan won’t be in the next film…), to bad news, to this… I think it’s just time for them to stop.

  21. I doubt it. He lost me when he told fans to f**k off or something to that effect (but his buddy Orci has done the same too), and then he lied about an interview with a reporter who recorded it and had the evidence to prove him a liar. So no, he doesn’t get my vote.

  22. He was largely not comic relief in the last film (that torch got passed to Chekov and McCoy I think), and it still didn’t work well. He was kind of shoved down the audience’s throats. That’s how I felt at least. They should have just written him as functional and competent within his field and given him his 3 to 5 minutes of time.

  23. Actually, Fei Fong Wong, I bought & watched all 7 seasons of DS9 last year and thought it was a terrific show- maybe the most overall consistently strong series writing-wise. I don’t rank/rate the 5 Star Trek series- objectively, they all have their strengths and weaknesses, good stories and not so good, strong & weak cast members. They’re all good entertainment. Just a friendly reminder that it is you that is making a distinction of being a DS9 fan/ not a TOS fan & in perceived writing styles ; I fail to see how its a backhanded insult to repeat your own proclamation, friend! Take care, sir.

    Now, getting back on track- there is a world of difference between “The Inner Light”, “City on The Edge of Forever”, ” Duet” (see what I did there? I included a thoughtful DS9 character piece for you!) – and what the minds behind “The Fast and The Furious” and “Paul” bring to the table!

  24. Agreed, tho Orci proclaimed to be a big Trek fan too, and the script he turned in got him removed from the project altogether! I just don’t think the suits at Paramount/CBS understand Trek beyond box office projections ๐Ÿ™

  25. The conundrum is, if Tr3k (betcha that’s what these guys call it, ’cause its, you know, cool) bombs, will the studio put a TV show back on?

    Or will they say, “Oh, Trek is dead”, nobody wants this.

    If “Tr3k” is a box office hit- will it just prolong the agony? Or will it get the studio greedy again and have several Treks in production at once?

    If only the studio had a true Trek fan in its decision making process!

  26. Why am I thinking they want to turn this into a superhero franchise? “Super-Keenser Rocks!” ๐Ÿ˜›

  27. Well, at least the jokes will actually be funny now. Good luck, Mr. Pegg! And good riddance to the crayon scrawls of Roberto Orci!

  28. Orci doesn’t have 1/20th the heart required to write something like “Spaced.” So, no.

  29. This may actually hold some promise. Simon Pegg has written / co-written some brilliant movie scripts; albeit darkly humorous. Plus the fact that he is a diehard TREK fan; there is some hope of a decent script that does not rip crap off of everything that has come before.

  30. …well, if it HAS to be stupid (nu-trek), at least make it funny?
    (i don’t think this will work)(it will just be more tragic…) =(

    Buh-bye boborci… good luck “producing”… =P

  31. Pegg did write a few good movies, in my opinion. And he’s a fan of Star Treks and comic/fantasy genres in general. Just because he hasn’t written a movie of the type of Star Trek we all want, it doesn’t mean he isn’t able to. I’m playing devil’s advocate since the original clowns aren’t involved anymore. I want to hope I can get a movie that will become a classic that I can watch over and over like ST2 and 6. What really bothers me is this memo that the powers that be want it to be “more like guardians of the galaxy”. Great movie, not a trek movie. That movie is an action comedy. What Trek needs is suspense. Not a lot of films are suspenseful anymore. They quick give you the payoff without leaving you wondering for even an instance whats going to happen next.

  32. Amazing. The actor who does the worst job of fulfilling his role is writing the new script.

  33. The only thing embarrassing here is the woeful contingent of senior citizens like you that haunt trektoday with their “Old Trek or No Trek!” rhetoric.

  34. Ha! The only thing “senior” is that she might be a high school senior! What a brilliant, thoughtful video comment!

  35. Plus they want it to be another GOTG. ST is definitely going the comic book route now. :/

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