Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath Review
3 min read
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath
by Christopher L. Bennett
“Set during the original series era, Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath by Christopher L. Bennett is the thrilling, brand-new Star Trek Adventure featuring Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
“The Saga of James T. Kirk’s historic command of the U.S.S. Enterprise is known throughout the galaxy. But one part of the legend has barely been touched upon until now; the story of Kirk’s first starship command and the remarkable achievements by which Starfleet’s youngest Captain earned the right to succeed Christopher Pike as the commander of the famous Enterprise. From his early battles with the Klingons to the rescue of endangered civilizations, Kirk grapples with difficult questions: is he a warrior or a peacemaker? Should he obey regulations or trust his instincts? Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath illustrates the events and choices that would shape James T. Kirk into one of the most renowned captains in Starfleet history.”
This is an action-filled story where fans find out about James T. Kirk’s first command, the USS Sacagawea and his first days on the USS Enterprise.
There are skirmishes with the Klingons, pirates, smugglers, several pre-warp societies, and a brand-new very strange and very powerful adversary. While Captain of the Sacagawea, Kirk makes decisions and when wrong, has to deal with the aftermath and figure out how to learn from his mistakes. He learns from those with more experience, and in time, is ready to impart his wisdom to those who need it.
When crucial negotiations with the new aliens, the Agni, begin to fall apart, it’s Kirk’s intuition that helps to save the day as well as many lives.
If you’re a fan of Kirk, you’ll love this. In addition to all of the action listed above, which alone could make several separate longer stories, there is a young James T. Kirk learning to adapt to and make friends with his new crews; first on the Sacagawea and then the Enterprise. Quite a few characters from the original stories can be seen and Kirk’s budding friendship with Spock is explored.
There is plenty here to please the Trek fan. If you like first contact, it’s there with both pre-warp and warp-capable races. Several battles will please those who like that kind of action. If you want to see familiar names from the original series, including a few of Kirk’s romances, it’s there.
My only negative is that I wish is that the story had been linear and not jumping back and forth. I usually take notes for these reviews, but in addition had to do a timeline so I could slot everything in place properly.
Classic Trek fans should enjoy this family. You won’t be bored. Some of the events in the book would have made satisfying episodes of the original series.
Author: Christopher L. Bennett
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication Date: May 28, 2019
ISBN-13: 9781982113292
ISBN-10: 1982113294
Pages: 400
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath is available as a trade paperback for $16.00 ($11.00 at Amazon) or as a Kindle book for $11.99. There is also an audiobook version for $16.53 at Amazon. To order, head to the link located here.