A new chocolate sculpture by The Chocolate Genius features a life-sized bust of Scotty as portrayed by James Doohan. The...
A new corn maze by Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove, Illinois, will be of interest to Trek fans. Each...
Three new coins from the Perth Mint will feature the USS Enterprise. The coins are a one Gold Proof High...
Barry Jenner, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Admiral Ross, is dead at the age of seventy-five. The cause of death...
In the latest edition of The Planetary Post, Star Trek: Voyager's Robert Picardo gets to see a test of the...
For fans of the shirtless Sulu in The Naked Time episode of the original series, Bif Bang Pow! has a...
Whoopi Goldberg wasn't the only Trek convention newbie at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention last weekend; Kirstie Alley also...
Two new Trek documentaries will be on tap soon for fans; one about the past fifty years of Star Trek,...
Two artists' concept art for Star Trek Beyond has been released on their respective Facebook pages. The artists are Sean...
The Star Trek convention in Las Vegas is in full swing, and fans who dared to brave the crowds are...
Star Trek 50 Years from Newsweek Special Editions has been released in honor of Star Trek's fiftieth anniversary next month....
The list of ships (and some photos) from The Official Starships Collection of model starships from issue Seventy-Five through Ninety...
Some fans watching Star Trek Beyond might have wondered why Carol Marcus, who joined the crew in Star Trek Into...
A new project seeks to raise funds to recreate the USS Enterprise seen in the early Star Trek movies. "Thanks...
Several actors have made comments about potential cameos in the newest Star Trek television series, which debuts in January. TV...