Zachary Quinto has signed on for a role in Michael, the story of an "ex-gay activist." Michael portrays the life...
Cast & Crew
Star Trek into Darkness' Roberto Orci has signed on for the new movie adaptation of the Power Rangers. The Power...
Several people associated with Trek series or movies have been nominated for Emmys. The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards winners will...
Although he is slated to direct Star Trek 3, Roberto Orci's concern at the moment is getting the story for...
Star Trek into Darkness' Zachary Quinto gave his thoughts on where Star Trek 3 would go, story-wise. Quinto's remarks came...
Star Trek into Darkness' Simon Pegg had a little fun on the set of the movie courtesy of his "neutron...
More Star Trek actors have joined the Unbelievable!!!!! production. The latest actors to join the project come from Star Trek:...
A new video uploaded to Vimeo by Doug Drexler shows construction work on the NX-01 Enterprise. Drexler kept video records...
Star Trek into Darkness' John Cho will be appearing in ABC's Selfie comedy this autumn. Selfie is a "modern take"...
Thanks to the generosity of the fans, LeVar Burton's Reading Rainbow Kickstarter is up to almost five million dollars in...
A new TrekCore interview with Star Trek 3 writers Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne gives fans some background on and...
In a new podcast interview, Star Trek 3 Director Roberto Orci gave hints about what to expect in the movie....
Kate Mulgrew, and the show on which she is currently appearing, Orange is the New Black, received Critics' Choice awards....
Star Trek into Darkness' Zachary Quinto will be taking on a guest star role on HBO's Girls. Girls is "a...
Several episodes in, Wil Wheaton is still having a good time creating The Wil Wheaton Project. The show is "The...