The Captains of the Final Frontier, a new two-hour Star Trek documentary to be aired on the Bio Channel on...
Star Trek: ENT
Saturday, October 16th saw a reunion of three Star Trek: The Next Generation stars, while actors from Star Trek: Voyager...
Star Trek: Enterprise's Anthony Montgomery will be seen next summer in Single Ladies, a new series produced by Queen Latifah,...
Writer-Producer Mike Sussman, who began as an intern on Star Trek: Voyager, and ended up as a producer on Star...
TNT has picked up the pilot for Perception, a new drama written by Kenneth Biller and Mike Sussman. Perception was...
John Billingsley and his wife Bonita Friedericy will join Kevin Sorbo and Jim O'Rear in voicing Edgar Allen Poe's The...
It has been five years since Star Trek: Enterprise ended and Scott Bakula shares his opinion on what was good...
Brannon Braga and Rick Berman had a different Star Trek: Enterprise in mind than what actually ended up airing, plus...
Star Trek: Enterprise's Dr. Phlox shares his opinion regarding the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise. Many fans may not...
John Billingsley recently answered fan questions regarding his time on Star Trek: Enterprise, including what he considered to be the...
William Shatner (Captain Kirk) asked Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock) to guest star on his new sitcom $#*! My Dad Says,...
There will be six conventions or shows in August and September that feature Trek actors of interest to Star Trek...
Fans of Quantum Leap may again get to see Dr. Sam Beckett leaping through time and into strange bodies and...
There will be seven conventions or shows in July and August that feature actors of interest to Star Trek fans....
Dennis McCarthy, known to Star Trek fans for his musical composition work on Star Trek dating back to 1987, will...