A new comic series, in which Zombies invade the universes of Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Star Trek and Transformers, will be...
Many books, comics, fan films and other creative projects and ideas have been based on Star Trek and its spin-off...
Archaia's Lucid #1, the first of a four-issue spy genre comic produced by Zachary Quinto's Before The Door media production...
The fourth issue of the Star Trek Movie Adaptation comic series will be in stores tomorrow, but readers can see...
The Star Trek Movie Adaptation #3 comic, due out on April 28 from IDW Publishing, will feature the first meeting...
On Wednesday, March 17, IDW Publishing's Star Trek Movie Adaptation issue #2 will arrive in stores. Written by Roberto Orci,...
The first Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comic will debut this December. More details are emerging about the new Deep...
A preview of Star Trek: Spock Reflections #4 is available for the comic which is due out next week. The...
Fool's Gold, the first Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comic series, will arrive in December. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine...
The first issue of Roddenberry Productions's Days Missing will arrive in stores tomorrow.As reported by the Fresno Bee and Digital...
A comic book adaptation of Star Trek XI is in the works, according to IDW.As reported by TrekMovie.com, the six...
A five-page preview of Star Trek: Spock: Reflections #1 has been posted for Star Trek comic fans.As reported by Comics...
Although the regular Comics International magazine is still on hiatus, fans will be pleased with the current release of a...
Pine, Smith, Cho, Spock: Reflections, Star Trek Parody Comic, Star Trek Box Office, China and Starfleet?Chris Pine Explains Kirk2theadvocate.com, has...
IDW announced that Spock: Reflections, a new Star Trek XI comic book featuring Spock as played by Zachary Quinto, will...