In a short video from CBS; Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Del Arco, Jeri Ryan, and Brent Spiner share their memories...
The Musical Touch of Leonard Nimoy: His Fascinating Musical Career and Discography by Darlene and Joe Lacey Book Description: "He's...
Star Trek: Discovery: The Enterprise War by John Jackson Miller Book Description: "A shattered ship, a divided crew - trapped...
Last week at Star Trek: Las Vegas, as reported by TrekCore, Hero Collector's Matt Buss and Chris Thompson presented some...
Last weekend at Star Trek: Las Vegas, as reported by TrekMovie, Jason Isaacs expressed his desire to return to Star...
Star Trek: The Next Generation's Wil Wheaton and his loan-out company Media Dynamics is suing Legendary Geek & Sundry for...
For Jeri Ryan, once she accepted that Seven of Nine would be on Star Trek: Picard, returning to that character...
A new line of Star Trek: Discovery-themed jewelry has arrived, courtesy of Bixler jewelry makers. The line includes necklaces, rings,...
At Star Trek: Las Vegas last weekend, as reported by TrekMovie, Anson Mount and Ethan Peck talked about their work...
At Star Trek: Las Vegas, according to The Trek Collective, a Hallmark panel was held and it was revealed what...
Discovery fans waiting for the Season Two release on Blu-ray and DVD now know when they will be released. As...
At the Trek publishing panel today at Star Trek: Las Vegas, as reported by TrekCore, attendees were told that two...
Chris Pine, Captain Kirk in the Kelvin Timeline, will take on the role of legendary CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite...
Fans waiting for Star Trek: Picard to arrive will have something to keep them busy before the show airs. "CBS...
The new animated Star Trek series, Star Trek: Lower Decks, may have been developed by Mike McMahan, but don't expect...