Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Kira Nerys takes on a darker role in Lifetime's Killer Grandma. In Killer Grandma, Melissa...
Star Trek: Lower Decks, the new animated series coming from Mike McMahan (Rick and Morty), has had its first table...
CBS Television Studios and CBS All Access have launched a new "For Your Consideration" (FYC) exhibit at the Paley Center...
Volante Design has introduced a new jacket based on the Star Trek: Discovery uniform. The jacket, which comes in a...
Fans of the original series who are also cat lovers will really like this new product, which comes courtesy of...
Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy, in the end stages of COPD, asked for help in ending his life. Nimoy's widow Susan...
CBS has announced the formation of a Star Trek global franchise group, to "manage and maximize the expansion of the...
Many of us have seen the Captain Picard facepalm memes that have been circulated around social media forever, but now...
In their first quarter earnings conference call yesterday afternoon, CBS spoke about their earnings and expansion of their streaming service....
In an interview with Io9, Executive producer/showrunner Ira Steven Behr speaks about creating Deep Space Nine and reaction to the...
A new Indiegogo campaign, Nichelle Nichols Breaking Barriers Documentary, hopes to raise enough money to produce a sizzle reel in...
Star Trek Actors Steal the Spotlight at Washington, D.C. Awesome-Con by Steve Winter The world of Star Trek was...
Star Trek: The Next Generation's Marina Sirtis has landed a role in a fantasy adventure film, Max Winslow and the...
In an interview promoting his latest project, Netflix's Hateful Eight, Quentin Tarantino also spoke about a long-rumored Star Trek movie....
Tomorrow, a Star Trek: The Next Generation comic, Terra Incognita, will be released, but fans can have a sneak peek...