Star Trek Beyond's Zoe Saldana was announced as the star of The Legend of Red Hand, a short movie for...
In a new interview with TVLine, James Frain spoke about the relationships between Sarek and Burnham, and Sarek and Amanda....
The original series' George Takei will receive an award at this year's Asian World Film Festival, which begins today and...
For Rainn Wilson, who plays Harry Mudd on Star Trek: Discovery, getting the role was a dream come true. Wilson...
Star Trek: Boldly Go #13 comes out tomorrow, but fans can have a sneak peek of the issue today. In...
In Sunday night's Lethe, Trek fans got a little more background on Michael Burnham and Sarek courtesy of a flashback...
Fans of the Star Trek: Discovery Disco shirt seen in last night's Lethe episode can now get their own Disco...
Fans of the latest Star Trek series, Star Trek: Discovery, will be delighted to hear that the show has been...
In honor of the release of Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek Online is offering captains some cool free stuff. The...
The original series' Walter Koenig recently shared his opinion on modern Star Trek, including the three recent movies and Star...
Three Star Trek comics from IDW Publishing will arrive this January. The Comics will include Star Trek: Boldly Go #16,...
Star Trek: Voyager's Kate Mulgrew will be one of the presenters at the 10th Annual Living for Today concert. "Living...
As reported earlier, FanSets is releasing pins based on Star Trek: Discovery. In addition to character pins, pins based on...
Fans waiting for Star Trek: Discovery: Drastic Measures, due out next February, will now know what to expect in the...
Wilson Cruz was a Trek fan from way back, and being part of the Trek franchise means a lot to...