Star Trek XI's Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk) is on the initial list of nominees for the British Academy of Film...
Jadzia Dax is arrested by the Klaestron for an act of treason and murder allegedly committed by the Trill symbiont's...
Voice actor Tom Kane, a fan of Star Trek from his childhood days, got to work with his heroes when...
Fans waiting for Star Trek 2 finally have a release date. An unexpected opening in the movie release schedule for...
J.J. Abrams confirmed that he would like to have Benicio Del Toro in Star Trek 2, although he is mum...
Need that special music to soothe a fussy baby to sleep? A collection of sci-fi lullabies is the perfect solution...
Marina Sirtis would love to do Star Trek: The Next Generation again, but she realizes that if it ever returns...
For fans of the original series, a chance to collect several new Star Trek statues will be offered next year....
Yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser confirmed that J.J. Abrams was looking at Hawaii as a possible location for part of Star Trek...
For two lucky Star Trek fans, the Super 8: Watch It & Walk-On sweepstakes will lead to a walk-on role...
Three new Star Trek comics will be released by IDW Publishing in February 2012. The three new comics include: Star...
Fans of Walter Koenig can download a new podcast that includes an interview with the original series' actor. The podcast,...
For fans of William Shatner, he will be appearing on the Piers Morgan Tonight show this evening. Piers Morgan Tonight...
Vash arrives at Deep Space Nine tailed by Q, whom everyone blames when trouble immediately follows. (more…)
Tomorrow, another Star Trek Mondo poster will be released. The new poster will be based on the pesky Borg. Titled...