Sir Patrick Stewart will be voicing a character in Dragon Rider, an animated family adventure based on Cornelia Funke's novel...
Star Trek: Bridge Crew launched a year ago, and now an expansion to the game will please Star Trek: The...
IDW Publishing's Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through The Mirror #2 is due out tomorrow, but fans can have a...
At a breakfast to celebrate Priceline's 20th anniversary, William Shatner revealed the lengths to which one fan would go so...
Yesterday, Jennifer Morrison seemed to drop a hint about Star Trek 4, but today she backtracked on it. Over the...
William Shatner paid a visit to the Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga, New York over the weekend...
Looking for that special gift for a TOS fan? The New Zealand Mint is offering silver coin notes and a...
Last weekend, Jennifer Morrison was a guest at Calgary Expo, where she took part in a panel about her role...
Later this year, Network Ten owner CBS will bring CBS All Access to Australia. CBS's Leslie Moonves announced the expansion...
Zoë Saldana received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday. Saldana's family was there, including husband Marco Perego-Saldana,...
Next month, the Icons & Legends of Hollywood Auction will take place, and some of the items to be auctioned...
There will be twenty-five shows or appearances in May and June 2018 that will feature actors of interest to Star...
IDW Publishing has announced that John Barber has been named Editor-in-Chief, and Anita Frazier has been named Senior Vice President...
Many social media users have seen the facepalm Jean-Luc Picard memes, but now you can get your own Star Trek...
IDW Publishing's Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through The Mirror #1 comes out tomorrow, but fans can have a sneak...