A new comic series from IDW Publishing and DC Comics, Star Trek Legion of Super-Heroes, will debut this week. In...
In what should be no surprise to anyone who has followed the career of the actor, Zachary Quinto has come...
Commander Sisko arrives at Deep Space Nine and finds himself caught between Starfleet, the Bajorans, the Cardassians, and the mysterious...
Fresh off of his appearance on The Big Bang Theory last night, Brent Spiner's voice will again be heard on...
In his webseries Fresh Hell, Spiner is having a great time making fun of both himself and Hollywood. "I did...
Making Seeking Major Tom was "dangerous ground" for the original series' William Shatner. Seeking Major Tom, Shatner's most recent album,...
For fans attending the New York Comic-Con, which begins tomorrow and runs through Sunday at the Javits Center in Manhattan,...
Although Star Trek: The Next Generation has been off of the air for years, Brent Spiner has kept busy, with...
For Star Trek XI's Zachary Quinto, being cast as the smart guy in movies such as Star Trek XI and...
Recently William Shatner appeared on the On The Record with Greta Van Sustern show to promote about his new book,...
For fans who like Trek talk, IGN has started a new Star Trek-only podcast, Transporter Room 3, and the first...
Star Trek: Enterprise's Scott Bakula will be the first guest in After Show with David Bedella. After Show with David...
Gwynth Walsh, best-known to Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fans as B'Etor, one of...
Three new Bluetooth headsets are available for Star Trek fans who like to wear their Trek fandom with pride. The...
For fans playing Star Trek: Online, in addition to Energy Credits, there is now another currency to help them obtain...